View Full Version : Lacquer and bubbles.

Bill Wyko
07-13-2009, 8:17 PM
When brushing on lacquer the brush leaves some small bubbles. How do I stop the bubbles?:(

Scott Holmes
07-13-2009, 10:59 PM
What type of brush are you using?

You may be going too fast.

Bill Wyko
07-14-2009, 1:27 PM
I'll look at it tonight. I believe it's a Purdy 2"

Todd Burch
07-14-2009, 2:29 PM
Tell me you are brushing it on an open pored wood, like Oak, and it's hot and getting hotter where you are today.


Kevin Barnett
07-14-2009, 4:00 PM
Arm chair second guess...
It's hot and the lacquer is skinning before the lower material can off-gas -creating bubbles.

This happens to me when it's hot and I spray in the sun.

Bill Wyko
07-15-2009, 1:53 PM
Actually, my shop is air conditioned and cool. I did make the mistake of putting it in the sun to dry once. It boiled like a 15 year old boys face on prom night. Sanded if off, resealed it and started over in the AC.:D