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View Full Version : My First Actual 3D Job!

Dee Gallo
07-13-2009, 10:23 AM
Hi all,

Well, here are some pictures of my first 3D jobs, which turned out pretty well. I used oak for the oak case, which turned out to have too strong a grain pattern, so the next one I used maple and faux finished it to match. I am only making the front slider, not the whole case.

My first customer says my $50 price is too low, she thinks $100 is more like it... okay by me!

cheers, dee

Tom Bull
07-13-2009, 10:44 AM
Very cool, and I really like that kind of customer.

Kenneth Hertzog
07-13-2009, 10:55 AM
The engraving is fantastic
did you do this with corel or other software?

Frank Corker
07-13-2009, 10:56 AM
Wow Dee stunning stuff.... really really stunning. You have certainly nailed it with the bird in the middle, looks a m a z i n g!

Tim Bateson
07-13-2009, 10:58 AM
Very nice work - impressive as always.

Clara Koss
07-13-2009, 11:02 AM
i am in love with your pieces wow wow wow...:D

Richard Rumancik
07-13-2009, 11:24 AM
. . . My first customer says my $50 price is too low, she thinks $100 is more like it...

Dee - remember, the customer is always right! In this case, I can say that in all honesty. You really shouldn't sell your stuff for low prices - since the artwork is yours (and not just clipart) and the pieces very original you need to price it more like art not craft. Very nice . . .

Dee Gallo
07-13-2009, 11:44 AM
The engraving is fantastic
did you do this with corel or other software?

Thanks everyone! Yes, I like customers who appreciate the amount of work that goes into something and are willing to pay for it.

Ken - yes, I used CorelDraw, just to prove it could be done. There is another thread somewhere I started about doing 3D work, showing my first experiments.

Many thanks to Creekers (especially Mike Null and George Perzel) for help with the finishing. It turned out I used shellac with trans-tint sprayed through an airbrush for best results.

My next trials will be inlaying some bone or shell. Stay tuned!

cheers, dee

Garrett Nors
07-13-2009, 12:00 PM

Is there any way you could post the artwork (at least a flower or something) so that we can see what kind of gradient you used? I would love to start 3D engraving but I could never get the right gradient.

Dave Johnson29
07-13-2009, 12:04 PM
My next trials will be inlaying some bone or shell. Stay tuned!

As usual Dee, great work.

Dave Garcia
07-13-2009, 12:27 PM
Thanks everyone! Yes, I like customers who appreciate the amount of work that goes into something and are willing to pay for it.

Ken - yes, I used CorelDraw, just to prove it could be done. There is another thread somewhere I started about doing 3D work, showing my first experiments.

Many thanks to Creekers (especially Mike Null and George Perzel) for help with the finishing. It turned out I used shellac with trans-tint sprayed through an airbrush for best results.

My next trials will be inlaying some bone or shell. Stay tuned!

cheers, dee


Great work!

You mentioned previously that you were a Mac user and that you were running Corel through either Boot Camp and or Paralels. Do I have that right? If not, please blame it on a senior moment!

If so, did you have any difficulty doing this? I'd sincerely appreciate you commenting on this if you can find the time.

Thanks in advance Dee! Again, great looking work! And I totally agree about the customer always being right!

Dave Garcia :)
The Wood Block, Ltd

Mike Null
07-13-2009, 12:39 PM

It's no less than I expect of you. Just beautiful and such a great application.

Dee Gallo
07-13-2009, 3:04 PM

Is there any way you could post the artwork (at least a flower or something) so that we can see what kind of gradient you used? I would love to start 3D engraving but I could never get the right gradient.

Garrett, please check out this thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=112639 It explains everything more or less. I posted the files for some designs so everyone can take them apart, examine them and test burn them.

Dave, I do use Boot Camp and have no problems at all. It's free and easy. I hated Parallels, which costs money, is not stable and doesn't "feel" right

cheers, dee

Garrett Nors
07-13-2009, 3:18 PM
Garrett, please check out this thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=112639 It explains everything more or less. I posted the files for some designs so everyone can take them apart, examine them and test burn them.

Dave, I do use Boot Camp and have no problems at all. It's free and easy. I hated Parallels, which costs money, is not stable and doesn't "feel" right

cheers, dee

Thanks for the link Dee!

Dave Lock
07-13-2009, 4:45 PM
Very impressive Dee,

Looking forward to my own skill advancing to this sort of level.


Larry Bratton
07-13-2009, 6:10 PM
Lovely! I love the one with the bird in the center. Very nice work.

Steve Clarkson
07-13-2009, 6:36 PM

They look fabulous! Even from the picture you can tell there is some nice depth....how many passes did you make?

The boxes are quite unique too....do they open from the front?

Dee Gallo
07-13-2009, 6:56 PM

They look fabulous! Even from the picture you can tell there is some nice depth....how many passes did you make?

The boxes are quite unique too....do they open from the front?

I only made one pass on the bird, 2 passes on the other one just to see what would happen. It's also cut in the center, which was an accident, since I left the line hairline and didn't choose raster only...2 mistakes which actually turned out okay. Hey, it was the first test piece! Who cares?

The cases were made in the 20's or 30's, in China and imported to this country. The front panels I made slide up to reveal 5 skinny drawers which hold the tiles. You see on the bird panel that a skinny part of the front is missing on the left... people broke these easily and lost the slider most of the time. Hence, the current market for replacement sliders in the collecting world. And the difficulty I had matching the old Chinese wood. Each case is a different size, since they were all handmade individually.

I have 2 more blanks made now out of cherry, so they will be the next trials.

cheers, dee

Clyde Baumwell
07-14-2009, 9:10 AM

I use Virtualbox for running PC applications (such as Corel) on my MacBook Pro. It is FREE from Sun Microsystems and you do not have to restart to get back to the Mac OS. Here is the link.


Scott M Smith
07-14-2009, 10:57 AM
Those look really nice, Dee.

Dee Gallo
07-15-2009, 2:14 PM

I use Virtualbox for running PC applications (such as Corel) on my MacBook Pro. It is FREE from Sun Microsystems and you do not have to restart to get back to the Mac OS. Here is the link.


Thanks for the link, Clyde. I'm not in such a hurry that I care about the restart thing, though. I'd be more worried about installing something new when I know my system works well now. But, Virtualbox does look good from the website, so I might consider it when I upgrade my computer in the future.

Update: I showed the pictures to someone else, who said she thought the $100 price was high... and then proceeded to insist she HAD to have one anyway. So, two sold so far!

cheers, dee

Belinda Barfield
07-15-2009, 2:28 PM
Beautiful work as always Dee! Since these are one of a kind, stick with the higher price. :)

Steven Wallace
07-23-2009, 2:14 AM
Dee great work and I would have expect no less from you.

Andrea Weissenseel
07-23-2009, 8:20 AM
they are very nice Dee

George Brown
07-24-2009, 4:43 PM
Hi all,

Well, here are some pictures of my first 3D jobs, which turned out pretty well. I used oak for the oak case, which turned out to have too strong a grain pattern, so the next one I used maple and faux finished it to match. I am only making the front slider, not the whole case.

My first customer says my $50 price is too low, she thinks $100 is more like it... okay by me!

cheers, dee

Just one word, WOW!

Dee, what functionality in corel did you use. Did you draw and then fill with various shades of gray?

Just found your other thread, thanks anyway.