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View Full Version : Rockler Portable Router Table?

Mike Pond
07-12-2009, 1:20 PM
Anyone have experience with the Rockler Portable Router Table (http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=18031)? Looking to replace the Craftsman table I have which has a top too thick for the tongue/groove bit I'm using, not allowing the bit to protrude far enough.

At some point I'll get around to building my own maybe even as an extension to the R4511, but for now I just need something quick to finish up a project. Myabe I could even re-use this table top?

The table is currently 50% off at $100. Wish the closest one wasn't more than an hour away as I could then use a 50% off coupon as well; at least shipping is free and not tax...

Chris Kennedy
07-12-2009, 1:59 PM
I have a larger Rockler table, and I think it is excellent. That being said . . .

Some people have had trouble with the plates being warped, but Rockler seems to have fixed that with the new larger plates. Just inspect it when it arrives to be certain. Also, the MDF fence is a little delicate. I damaged mine transporting it in the trunk of my car.



Mike Pond
07-13-2009, 6:55 PM
Thanks Chris. I don't plan on transporting it around, will just use it in my garage shop, so hopefully it will hold up.

I am surprised others haven't posted; wonder if that means not many have the Rockler table. At less than half the price of most decent tables or what I could probably build myself, it seems worth a try.

Chris Kennedy
07-13-2009, 7:43 PM

I'm kind of surprised no one else has chimed in as well. I know I have read posts of people who have them. I have the basic table with plate (I didn't bother with legs -- I clamp it to my workmate when I need it, and otherwise lean it against the wall). It is a good table, and really, damaging the fence was my own fault (trunk was REALLY full and I kind of pushed a little harder than I should have to get it to fit:rolleyes:).

Honestly, I would go for it. I don't think you can go wrong. Think about it this way -- if you build your own with an insert plate (which is a good idea, I think), a decent plate alone will run you $30-50 at a minimum. The only reason to pause is if you think you might want something more in the future (wing on your tablesaw?).



Prashun Patel
07-13-2009, 7:43 PM
I have the previous incarnation of that table which had the same top but pine legs.

The fence is pretty decent; the table's pretty decent. The MDF insert stunk. It wasn't really flat. It's made achieving straight cuts a challenge. More than it's worth. I see the one you reference has an aluminum insert.

It appears to be an improvement over the one I got. However, you might (as I) find the small table a nuisance.

Scott Schwake
07-13-2009, 7:54 PM
I have this version:

I've had it 5 years or so, doesn't get used a lot but I've been happy with it everytime I use it, was a huge upgrade over my plastic cheapo table.

Bob Carreiro
07-13-2009, 8:04 PM
I have to Rockler Top (Class C, for my Triton). I beleive the "portable" one you speek of has a smaller-sized top, but still made of MDF/plastic laminate, and should work well.
Good luck.

Rich Engelhardt
07-13-2009, 8:45 PM
I have the old & now discontinued Rockler #1 table.

Be aware that the table listed in your link appears to use the older & smaller (non- BenchDog) aluminum plate. - the 8X11 one.

The newer Rockler tables have gone to the larger (BenchDog) plate that's 8 1/4" x 11 3/4".
Plates may be a problem.

I ran into that right after I bought the #1 for what I thought was a great price - $99.00.
Mine came with a plate pre drilled for the Freud 1700 (2 /14HP router) and I'd planned on picking up another plate if/when I got a 3+ hp router.
Soon after I got the table - as in a couple of weeks - Rockler announced they were going to discontinue the #1 and go with a new line.

Anyhow - for a small table that includes an aluminum insert & a fence w/T-track, $99.00 is a pretty good price. I already have a small (cheap & portable) Ryobi for jobsite use, otherwise I'd be real tempted.

Dan Rude
07-13-2009, 10:28 PM
Rockler has the same table on its web site and free shipping till the 15th. They also have the AL plates for the old tables for $39.99 they might still have one for your router.
I got luckly after I bought my table at the $99 sale and they were discounting the FX lift I picked it up for 39.99. Of Course I had to get the Bosch router to go with it. I used my Discover reward cards at a local ACE hardware and picked up the router for $35 after the rewards. Entire package $200.:D

Jeff Mohr
07-14-2009, 8:13 AM
Does anyone know if the plate insert includes the standard rings? Also, can they fit the Porter Cable bushing inserts?

Gary Muto
07-14-2009, 2:05 PM
Does anyone know if the plate insert includes the standard rings? Also, can they fit the Porter Cable bushing inserts?

I have the old router plates. I bought some when they were discountinued last year. Anyway the plates come with a standard insert with a hole (close to but not same hole size as template bushing) and a blank insert. Rockler just started selling an insert that is sized and recessed to fit the template bushings. I set one up and was able to center the bushing around the router shaft. You have to engage the motor clamp before you secure the bushing to the insert to ensure that it is centered.

My only beef is that the router mounting screws should be flat bottomed and not counter sunk to allow for some adjustment. I felt lucky that I was able to make mine work.