View Full Version : Pine door scratches

Dave Cav
07-10-2009, 10:56 PM
We have a solid pine six panel door in our bathroom. Today one of our Boxer (dogs) locked herself in the bathroom while I was out in the shop and she scratched the inside of the door up pretty badly, but the scratches don't appear to go through the finish. The door is natural color and finished with a clear finish, probably a catalized lacquer. Any suggestions on refinishing? I was thinking of taking the door down, lightly sanding the scratched areas and then shooting it with Deft, but I'm open to other suggestions.


Rich Engelhardt
07-11-2009, 7:03 AM
If you know a cigar smoker, have them save you some ashes.
Cigar ashes mixed w/water into a paste produce an excellent polishing compound.

Cigarette ashes won't work. Due to the ways cigar and cigarette tobaccos are cured, cigarettes are too acid.

Howard Acheson
07-11-2009, 12:47 PM
Give your plan a try. If the scratches are not too severe, it might work.

Dave Cav
07-11-2009, 5:17 PM
The scratches are way too deep for polishing, but thanks for the tip. I may eventually have to strip the finish off the entire door and raise the grain with a moist rag and hot iron, but I'm going to try some lacquer over them first and see if the existing stuff will blend in enough with the fresh lacquer to make them less noticable.

Jim Rimmer
07-11-2009, 8:36 PM
Since the scratches didn't go through the finish, check the borgs or local hardware stores for finish restorers. When I was looking for something for my bambobo floor I read a lot of labels. I can't recall brands but I am pretty sure there is something out there that can help you.

Matt Meiser
07-11-2009, 10:59 PM
Our dog has done that to three doors in our house at various times. I'm figuring I'll have to replace them. :(