View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
07-10-2009, 8:29 AM
Friday July 10, 2009


Well, it's another week down and it's time for the weekend. Weather here has been really nice. We do need some rain though. We got 2/10ths of an inch overnight. That will help a little. My grass was almost totally brown except over the septic tank. This will help, but we need more.

I've spent the week getting some stuff done in the shop. I'm just about done with one dust collection box for the RAS and then I need to make one for the CMS. Hopefully I can get those done in the next few days and then I'll have dust collection to all my tools.

We're going to the county fair Saturday and then golf Sunday, so no WW'ing over the weekend. Also, watch the race from Chicagoland and try to catch some of the John Deere tournament and see how Jerry Kelly and Steve Stricker do.

How's things in your neck of the woods? Got any big plans for the weekend? Or just kick back and relax? Whatever you're up to make it enjoyable and please be SAFE.


Matt Meiser
07-10-2009, 8:35 AM
I'm going to try to get out to the shop for a little bit to make a hockey-stick picture frame for one of my wife's employees. And my daughter has been asking to make a cornhole game for quite a while so I told her we could do that as well. Two of my nephews' HS graduation party is Saturday afternoon/evening. And Sunday if its cool enough and I'm up for climbing up on the roof I want to put up my parents' DTV antenna.

Andy Bardowell
07-10-2009, 9:23 AM
No big plans Karl, finishing a project and a bit of yard work; unlike where you are we’ve had lots of rain, finally we have some sunshine.

Jim Rimmer
07-10-2009, 6:37 PM
Too STINKING hot in Houston. Think I'll drive over to Woodcraft for their DC seminar and then maybe the new Johnny Depp movie with LOML. Stay in out of the heat and be safe.

Chris Ricker
07-10-2009, 7:10 PM
Things are drying out a little bit here, could use some rain for the garden.
iff'in the rain comes I should be finishing the "Rocking Cow" (woodcraft plans #WM-BES) for lil Zoe.(grand daughter)
If not I'll be watering the gardens!!

Out of town next week, convention at , (believe it or not) "Sawmill Creek" Resort in Sandusky, Ohio

http://www.sawmillcreek.com/default.htm. :D:D

Jim Becker
07-10-2009, 9:59 PM
I think I'm going to relax this weekend...I spent the week playing with wood. Well, two-by wood, at least, helping to reconstruct the stall walls at the stable we keep our horse, Elvis, at and ride. While a seemingly easy job at first glance, these walls had to be made to minimize the chance that a horse can kick them out. No small feat since there is no wall or concrete pad to anchor the bottom plates on. (Except for the one on the end that was originally a feed storage room) This is a pole barn and the stalls have dirt floors and no foundation. But we got the work done!


The horses now have real windows, too. The happy customers...


Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2009, 10:38 PM
Remove the new bathtub I installed. Try to find the problem. Reset it and close and tile the shower surround. Mow the yard, get the laundry caught up, cook meals.

glenn bradley
07-11-2009, 9:35 AM
I'm going to crank out a few more Christmas items. I am doing a few here and there through the year to try and be prepared this time. Here's some items on their way to the "holding area" in the spare bedroom. A candle holder like one posted earlier (mahogany and ash), fireplace match box (goncalo alves and cherry), flip-lid box (ash and cherry) and a cousin to the shedua/ash boxes I have made before.

Dennis Peacock
07-11-2009, 7:18 PM
Howdy Karl.....

Just working the day job is about it, playing bass at church on Sunday and then get ready for more work next week. Making good progress on the cup cake holder wedding gift but it sure is hot in the shop without my A/C working.

Have a good'un.....

Steve Clardy
07-11-2009, 7:46 PM
Got the youngest [30] son married off today. Bye bye :D