View Full Version : First Art Show

Joseph M Lary
07-09-2009, 10:10 PM
Just woundering if you all could give me some ideas on a booth set up, to display my turnings, so I could get some ideas from it. any pictures ect. Im getting a 10x10 tent with walls ,thinking about setting up one back and side wall for display shelfs or tables ???? not real sure .never did this before.
HELP!:confused: I got 2 months to get ready so I should have time . but I need to get started.

Thanks J Mark

jeremy levine
07-10-2009, 11:43 AM
I have NEVER set up a tent for a show, but I have noticed that when entering a tent or walking by one, the back wall can be hard to see and/or get to. So it you need space for non-display stuff ( a table, a place to sit ...) I would think take some of the back wall and find a way to display stuff more to the front (pedestal, tiny tables... )

Chip Sutherland
07-10-2009, 1:25 PM
Send me a PM. I have a photo of a setup I like. It's not my photo so I don't feel it appropriate to post.

Jess Wetherhold
07-10-2009, 1:46 PM
You will find that your booth setup will change 20 times before you feel comfortable with it. I use gridwalls and shelves and tables from Costco. If you are just showing turnings I would suggest a few tables and maybe you could make some type of tiered display. Here's a few pics of my messy booth. Sorry about all of the flat work;)



George Morris
07-10-2009, 9:07 PM
I have also just started doing shows. The first i found a table up front and two small tables on each side worked well.Also some wooden boxes to set things at different levels.
Also a sign of some type we went to staples and had one made very reasonable. Also business cards are a must . G

Jess Wetherhold
07-10-2009, 11:47 PM
George brought up an important suggestion. A nice sign is a must have and makes you appear more established to your customers. I have several and I paid $18 for each. Message me for details if you like.

Perry Holbrook
07-11-2009, 11:16 AM
Be sure that you don't let your display get too dark. Customers need to be able to see the work from a distance as well as up close.

Also, the closer to eye level your product is, the better.
