View Full Version : nOOb saying hello

Brian Novotny
07-09-2009, 9:52 AM
Hiya forum peeps,
I've been turning for a little over a year, my ex stole my 1624 Nova in Hawaii and now I'm turning on a 3 legged grizzly mini until I can come up with the $500 my friend wants for his 1442avs jet. If anyone needs a chuck I have a Nova G3 with 1 1/4"X8" insert with all the trimmings for $100 on ebay. If not, I really wasn't trying to plug anything, but really just introducing myself and my currently sad situation.....BUT In 7 days I might have that $500 so I'd be flying high.....just to have someone cut me a deal like that and hold onto it only for me should make me happy, so I guess it's going to be a good day! cut that, Let's make it a great week!
Let me know if you have any sort of hazing that I'm supposed to subject myself to.

Jarrod McGehee
07-09-2009, 10:43 AM
as far as I've learned, you just did it. now show some pics of what you've made. if there's no pics it didn't happen.

Bernie Weishapl
07-09-2009, 12:33 PM
Brian welcome to SMC. Lots of good people and lots of knowledge. The only hazing here you might get is for not posting pictures. Here we like lots of pictures.

Steve Schlumpf
07-09-2009, 1:14 PM
Brian - Welcome to the Creek! Looking forward to seeing some of your work!

alex carey
07-09-2009, 3:36 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Jarrod is 100% correct, no pictures and as far as we're concerned you might not even exist.

Jeff Nicol
07-09-2009, 3:46 PM
Brian, Welcome to world of wonders here at the Creek! We will do all we can to keep you on your toes and and answer any questions that may arise. The lathe situation will get better, I have 3 exes, and the only thing I made sure I kept were my tools and my guns! That way a guy can eat and make something to get more money to eat!

Good luck,


Billy Tallant
07-09-2009, 10:30 PM
Brian - Welcome to SMC...Looking forward to seeing some future projects from you. Great bunch of turners on here. Always helpful & informative. Any questions, just ask. They will have a ready answer for you.