View Full Version : Nested set of Sourwood.

Jack Mincey
07-09-2009, 9:23 AM
This nested set was turned so that I could do a demo for our local club. I used the next to the biggest bowl to demo how to return a cored bowl blank. It shows just a little in the picture, but this wood has some great curl in it. It turns like butter with a hot knife. The largest one is right at 15" across. It filled up my light tent. The next two are some med. sized HF's that I turned from some large bowl scraps that I cut off to make the blank. They are both turned from maple, and are between 7" and 8" tall by around 5" in dia.

David Christopher
07-09-2009, 9:33 AM
Jack, looks like you hit the " Jack pot " with these....I think these are as good as it gets.. beautiful wood and you done them justice

Jarrod McGehee
07-09-2009, 10:41 AM
Beautiful HFs. I love the spalting on it and the bowls are pretty sweet too

Bob Hallowell
07-09-2009, 11:26 AM
those are all spot on and beautiful. Great work!

Steve Frederick
07-09-2009, 11:29 AM
The bowls are great! How did you keep that bark on?
Nice job on the HF's too!

Chris Rae
07-09-2009, 12:02 PM
Beautiful work! I love the bowls, they are wonderful. I also love the spalting on the HF's and the shape of them. Very nicely done!

Bernie Weishapl
07-09-2009, 12:30 PM
Beautiful nested bowls and HF's Jack. Don't get any better than those.

Steve Schlumpf
07-09-2009, 1:20 PM
Excellent work on everything Jack! Beautiful woods - great forms! Very nice stuff!

Lionel Mercier
07-09-2009, 3:33 PM
Yes, very beautifully done...
but which way did you manage the bark not to broke so thin edge ?

alex carey
07-09-2009, 3:34 PM
Those are all winners, I love the spalting on the last one. Great job.

Jeff Nicol
07-09-2009, 3:49 PM
Jack, You have done another round of great things! I love the set of bowls and will have to try a NE set now that I am getting good with the regular ones with the McNaughton system. Thanks for sharing your works with us.


Jack Mincey
07-09-2009, 4:04 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. The bark isn't that hard to keep on during the turning. I just work an inch down thin at the rim and then move down and thin the next inch down and so on. It is much harder not knocking it off while sanding than it is while turning.
Thanks again,