View Full Version : New video - Acorn Birdhouse

Bob Hamilton
07-08-2009, 10:43 AM
Surprise, surprise! No one saw this one coming, eh? http://www.woodworking.org/InfoExchange/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif I finally finished putting together the video on making acorn birdhouse ornaments that I was making when I got sidetracked with the collet chuck video. These are the project I needed the perches for. The playlist for the 5 part video is at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=ED1A77398A3E3706

Take care

Joe Aliperti
07-08-2009, 10:46 AM
Thanks Bob! Can't wait to check it out.

Bernie Weishapl
07-08-2009, 11:45 AM
Thanks Bob. Those things are easy and fun to make. Kids love'em on Christmas trees.

John Terefenko
07-08-2009, 5:38 PM
I have been looking for something like that. Thanks. Any other odd birdhouse videos you have I would be interested in very much.

Ray Binnicker
07-10-2009, 1:24 PM
Another treat !! Thank you for doing these videos. I really do enjoy them, and have learned a lot from them. My wife (she's from South Carolina by the way) likes to hear you talk. She especially likes the way you say the word "out".
Where do you get the perches from?
Ray Binnicker

Joseph M Lary
07-10-2009, 1:41 PM
Bob Do you sell them at shows , what do you ask for something like that . I do some small bird houses and did not know what to ask for them . :confused:

Joe Aliperti
07-10-2009, 2:59 PM
Bob's Canadian accent reminds me of Norm MacDonald.

Bob Noles
07-10-2009, 6:15 PM

Thanks so much for the vids. They are GREAT and have given me inspiration and courage to get out in the shop and give this a try. :D

Bob Hamilton
07-10-2009, 7:54 PM
Thanks, all.

Ray, I get the perches here: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3CA528EBEE61AB7A


Joseph, I don't really sell much of anything. These things take too much time to be profitable, I would think. If all the time spent milling the blanks out, turning and sanding the various components and final assembly were added together I would say I would be lucky if I could produce 4 an hour. Adding any costs for materials and shop supplies would mean you would need to charge between $5 & $10 each and I don't think most people would pay that much for what is basically a "trinket".

Take care

Steve Mellott
07-12-2009, 5:08 PM

Thanks for posting these tutorials. I have found them to be very informative and educational. Thanks again.


Bill Clark De
07-13-2009, 9:38 AM
That was good stuff...Thank you

Eugene Malone
07-13-2009, 10:33 AM
Hiya Bob, this is the site I first saw your turnings on,then you came across to our side of the pond. They just keep getting better and better, your doing a fantastic service to people like me with your vidoes on Utube ,one can only improve from watching.Thank you.REgards Eugene.

Peter P. Brown
07-14-2009, 3:42 PM
Very nice! I'm actually making these this week (strange how that happens) Thanks for the detailed walk through.

David Walser
07-15-2009, 4:02 PM
Thank you for making and posting your series of videos. They are enjoyable to watch and are very informative.

A suggestion to make the series more useful would be to add a pdf document that shows important details, such as the size of the blank you're using, a list of the tools, a picture/diagram of the end product with critical dimensions illustrated, etc. You typically provide all this information during the videos, but your viewer need to either take careful notes or have an outstanding memory to gather the info into one handy-to-have-when-trying-it-on-your-own reference document.

Bob Hampton
11-06-2009, 11:25 AM
here is another bird house link http://www.turnedtreasures.com/project.html/birdhouse_ornament.html

Jim Underwood
11-06-2009, 12:35 PM
Thanks Bob,
I'll check this out. Always enjoy those videos....

***Edit*** Almost finished with the fifth video. Great stuff Bob. Thanks for a well done "how to".

David, if you want a fairly detailed PDF of making an acorn birdhouse, check this out:
