View Full Version : A couple of firsts and a creeker visit

Jason Clark2
07-06-2009, 2:53 AM
Fellow Creeker Brian Brown was in town about a month ago and we did a bit of wood swapping while he was here. I received some Box Elder Burl and a small half log of Apricot, he got some Mesquite and some Desert Ironwood.

I finally got around to turning and coringthe Apricot today, 2 bowls: 7" and 4 1/2" diameter. Both pieces have round bottoms with just a hint of a flat spot to sit on.

Also this weekend I turned and cored a piece of Cherry I received in a wood swap a couple of months ago. 3 bowls: 9 1/2" 7 1/2" and 5 1/2" diameter. Again all 3 have round bottoms with a small flat spot to sit on.

Comments, critiques, and anything else are more than welcome.


Bill Blasic
07-06-2009, 6:31 AM
Nicely done, real nice looking sets of bowls there. Coring saves a lot of wood that would be chips.

Steve Schlumpf
07-06-2009, 8:35 AM
Jason - always good to hear when Creekers get a chance to get together!

Nice bowl sets! Really like the cherry - more because of the color than anything else!

David Walser
07-06-2009, 8:37 AM

I'm glad you and Brian were able to get together. Thanks for posting the pictures of what you did with his apricot. Hopefully, he'll show us what he's done with the mesquite and ironwood (and maybe post some pictures he took while in the Great State of Arizona).

I like both sets of bowls. I particularly like the rounded bottom form you've used. However, the apricot has a lot of character that makes it my favorite of the two sets. Well done.

Jarrod McGehee
07-08-2009, 12:46 AM
good stuff Jason. I like the Cherry a lot.

Jason Clark2
07-08-2009, 1:50 AM
Thanks everybody. I neglected to mention the firsts. This was my first time turning Apricot and my first time turning cherry (some of you mid-west and east coast guys may have a hard time believing that).


Bernie Weishapl
07-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Those are some great looking bowls Jason. Really nicely done. Glad you had a good visit with Brian.