View Full Version : Cherry hollow form

Mike Minto
07-05-2009, 10:01 AM
i've been busy these last few weeks, haha. anyway, this is a hollow form in the 'desert southwest' style, or at least as close as i can come to it. it's cherry turned somewhat green; you can see a large, full thickness crack that i patched with sawdust and glue; better than trashing it, i guess. burned some decoration in the 'lower' rim. the opening is as small as i can get it, and still thin the walls - it's so wide that i'm out of ideas on how to get them any thinner - i've used blind hollowing techniques as well as my jamieson captured system. i'll be giving this to a co-worker who gave me an electric motor a few months ago. comments/critiques welcome, as always. mike

Steve Schlumpf
07-05-2009, 10:08 AM
Mike - hard to gauge the size of this piece. Could you give us some dimensions - including the opening?

George Guadiane
07-05-2009, 11:14 AM
I really like the shape! Don't much mind the crack, nice fill job.

Bernie Weishapl
07-05-2009, 12:42 PM
Nice looking piece Mike. I am sure it will be appreciated.

Mike Minto
07-05-2009, 5:18 PM
Steve, yes, I should have included dimensions - the form is 11.5 inches wide, 3.75 inches tall and the opening is 3 inches in diameter. I usually include something for scale, like a pen, but forgot this time. Thanks all, Mike

Steve Schlumpf
07-05-2009, 5:36 PM
Mike - I think you captured the essence of a Southwest HF! Nice form - size & color! Nothing wrong with the size of the opening - unless you were trying to go for the strictly art look. Any of the SW style forms that I have seen have large enough openings so as to be functional. Your version fits right in!

Interesting stepped lip - have not seen that before.

Have to think your co-worker is going to love this piece! Very nice work - seriously - very nice!

Richard Madison
07-05-2009, 6:24 PM
Great looking shape (oops, form) Mike. What finish are you using? Sometimes on a fairly plain piece I like a deep, high gloss finish to add a bit of pizzazz. Just a thought, probably left over from 7th grade art class.

Mike Minto
07-05-2009, 7:49 PM
thanks for the comments - i trust what you guys and gals say about the work posted here - your experience, talent and pieces you have posted all lend creedence to what you say. i finished this with 3 coats of teak oil, then buffed with my wheels from Caswell (tripoli, white diamond, carnauba). mike

alex carey
07-05-2009, 8:36 PM
Beautiful wood, I love the south western style shapes. Great job.