View Full Version : Major Wood Gloat -- Sort Of...

Tom LaRussa
08-29-2004, 11:29 AM
I was fiddling around on ebay yesterday when I came across a post advertising a whole mess of seemingly/possibly nice wood -- on the hoof, so to speak -- which didn't have a single bid on it. And the wood is in Orlando, which, at about 85 miles from where I sit is a heck of a lot closer than any reasonbly priced wood I've been able to find since I moved down here, (to Tampa).

So I figured what the heck, I'll put in a minumum bid, knowing full well that somebody would outbid me quickly.


So now, for the measly price of $0.99 -- yep, that's ninety-nine cents -- :eek: I find myself the proud(?) owner of a 45' pecan tree. All I have to do now is figure out how to cut it up, transport it back to Tampa, saw it into planks, and dry it -- in my garage/shop, which is already overstuffed.

This should be quite an adventure, since I don't own a chain saw, my vehicle is a Mazda sedan, and the closest thing I have to one of those mini saw mills is my 14" G0555 (with riser block).



Dick Parr
08-29-2004, 3:31 PM
Go to U-Haul and rent both the chainsaw and truck to haul the cut up wood. :D Where theres a will, theres a way. :p

Rob Russell
08-29-2004, 3:54 PM

I think you're getting the short end of the stick here. You'd have been better of calling local tree guys and telling them you wanted a large pecan and similarly calling a local sawyer to cut up the tree for you.

That tree doesn't look like it's all that big at the base, and that's what you want to cut up.

Send the folks their .99 and, after they've posted positive feedback because you paid, politely tell them they can auction off the tree again and take both of your bids.

Just my opinion.

Gary Max
08-29-2004, 6:51 PM
Find a freind who has a truck and a chainsaw-----split the cost of gas with him and give him half the wood. All you would be out is a little gas money and your freind should be very happy.

Kevin Beck
08-29-2004, 11:27 PM
If I had known you were in the market for wood in the Orlando area I'd have let you have the Oak tree in the attached photos for free. I honestly didn't think of auctioning the sucker on eBay. I'll throw in some pool screen for free.


Tom LaRussa
08-30-2004, 6:02 PM
You'd have been better of calling local tree guys and telling them you wanted a large pecan and similarly calling a local sawyer to cut up the tree for you.
I guess I'm naive, but I just assumed that tree cutters are smart enough to know that the trees they take down are worth money??

Also, I don't know any sawyers, local or otherwise, but I'll look around for one.

That tree doesn't look like it's all that big at the base, and that's what you want to cut up.

Send the folks their .99 and, after they've posted positive feedback because you paid, politely tell them they can auction off the tree again and take both of your bids.

The listing on ebay said that the trunk is bigger than it looks in the picture, so I think I'll go take a look at it, but I'll also keep your solution in mind.



Tom LaRussa
08-30-2004, 6:05 PM
If I had known you were in the market for wood in the Orlando area I'd have let you have the Oak tree in the attached photos for free. I honestly didn't think of auctioning the sucker on eBay. I'll throw in some pool screen for free.

Do you still have it? If so, how big is the main trunk?

Also, are you referring only to the part that's on the ground or the whole tree? If it's the latter I'll have to pass -- at least on the part that's still standing. I'm not qualified to do anything with that except probably drop it on myself or someone else.

Kevin Beck
08-31-2004, 10:11 AM

I was kidding. The oak wasn't very large and it was water oak and not worth much. I cut the sucker up and hauled it off. Of course the next hurricane may take care of the remainder of the tree for me. I have seen a good deal of cedar or juniper in the area that would be much nicer than my piddly oak tree.

Now if you need a deal on some worn out torn up pool screen I'm your guy.
