View Full Version : I need some ideas!

Denis Monti
07-01-2009, 9:46 PM
Hello everyone. I have been asked to make a pen out of a golf ball. Not the sort of thing that would jump to mind as being ideally suited. The best I have so far is a "golf club" clip.
Has anyone any ideas as to what I could do, or has there been a thread along this line? Thanks, Denis

Gary Max
07-01-2009, 9:57 PM
I sell a couple of these every year

Mark Hix
07-01-2009, 10:20 PM
Just thinking on the keyboard here....cut the cover off the ball or several balls and cover a tube with it, cast it in clear resin like a snake skin and turn.....maybe, maybe not.

I have seen several bluejean pens done that way.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-01-2009, 10:23 PM
Could you glue a T to a golf ball and drill them to accept a tube and pen?

Jim Underwood
07-01-2009, 10:58 PM
The difficulty is that the ball is not solid so the body wouldn't be suitable for turning. And then the cover is spherical, which doesn't lend itself to wrapping very well.

I think you might cut strips out of the cover and wind them around a pen tube though...

Good luck with this, and let us know how it turnes out...

You might pose this question at the International Penturners website.