View Full Version : Wet Sanding Seal-A-Cell

Steven Hans
07-01-2009, 11:58 AM
Hi all,
Is it possible to wet sand the General's Finish Seal-A-Cell to create a slurry with the dust? I want to fill in some very slight gaps in dovetail joinery. I know you can do this with danish oil and that it dries hard and the joint looks tight. I am going to follow the Seal-A-Cell with the wipe on finish from General's.


Chris Padilla
07-01-2009, 4:10 PM
I think it is best to fix gaps BEFORE any finishing products are added...not WITH finishing products.

Try dyed epoxy or my personal favorite: CA glue (crazy glue) and sanding while it is wet or you can add sawdust, too, and press it with a putty knife. Wait a few minutes to dry, and sand again. Repeat if necessary....

I don't buy the slurry filling gaps/pores thing...you end up wiping most of it away anyway because it isn't stuck down well....

Prashun Patel
07-01-2009, 4:53 PM
You can fill grain and tiny gaps with any finish. Pore filler is, after all, part varnish.

You can add a small amount of mineral spirits to increase the open time so you can work up a good slurry.