View Full Version : Anyone have any experience with Lyptus?

Mickey Elam
08-27-2004, 6:06 PM
So I was in the local Woodcraft here in Houston the other day and they're pushing this hybrid tropical hard wood called Lyptus. Apparently it's a naturally occurring hybrid of a couple of different species of eucalyptus, hence the name. It was developed as an ecologically "friendly" substitute for mahogany, which I think it resembles.

So my question is - does anyone have any experience with this stuff. I'm thinking of trying it for some stuff, but am looking for other opinions on it.

By the way, if anyone wants to give it a shot, it's probably worthwhile to find the local Weyerhaeuser rep and find out who distributes it in your area. Evidently, they import if from Brazil in some sort of exclusive arrangement.

Michael Perata
08-27-2004, 7:06 PM
I use it extensively.

There is an article the Autumn 2004 issue of Woodworking Magazine comparing it to both Cherry and Mahogany. I agree with the conclusions.

It is not Cherry but is a good subtitute for Mahogany.

It is a very heavy wood. Wear gloves when handling unsurfaced stock - you don't want to get a big sliver - nasty.

I recommend HSS J/P blades and change them often. The stuff is hard on tooling.

I recommend climb routing and shaping as the wood does tear.

Sand to 220 and finish.

If you are willing to get past the learning curve you'll really like the stuff.

I pay about $3.25 BF for less <100 BF.

After all that, you get this

Greg Tatum
08-27-2004, 8:00 PM
Hey Michael....that is a beautiful workbench....I have about 10bf of the stuff that I got from my local Weyerhaeuser rep....it is just random length scraps....they won't sell to me directly but I can drive about 30 mi. to Seattle and pay 3.40bf....(a local WW store quoted me 5.25bf...too much for me when I'm likely to ruin a few boards during that learning curve of WW'g.

Michael Perata
08-27-2004, 8:22 PM

Try out the 10BF you have. You might find it worthwhile to make the 30 mi drive.