View Full Version : Home Made Handles and Bars

Mike Minto
06-28-2009, 6:51 PM
Here's this weekend's work - 2 handles of QSWO, and bars made of cold rolled steel, 2 drilled to 3/16 and 1/4 to accept home made hook bits, and store bought ones, too (see other recent post); drilled and tapped to accept 1/4 set screws. the other 2 are a 3-point tool and don't know the name for the other one; ideas from the guy at Aroundthewoods.com - he's VERY handy. Quite fun; finished with BLO. Comments welcome!

Nathan Hawkes
06-28-2009, 7:22 PM
Nice job, Mike! The pic with the band-aid box might be a bit foreboding, though, with all the latest accidents people have posted!:D (I keep a few out in the shed myself!;))

Mike Minto
06-28-2009, 7:30 PM
Nathan, very funny, haha - actually, I do tend to cut myself alot -I keep band-aids with me at all times - LMO tells me I'm a clutz - good thing I don't do technical rock climbing anymore, I guess! :)

curtis rosche
06-28-2009, 8:13 PM
bandaids?!?! thats what they make duct tape and electrical tape for

Bill Bolen
06-28-2009, 8:15 PM
Great job Mike! I can see you also take great joy in making your own tooling when possible. Sure does make using them that much more satisfying...Bill..

curtis rosche
06-28-2009, 8:22 PM
whats the 3 point tool for?

Steve Schlumpf
06-28-2009, 8:43 PM
Nice job on everything Mike! Great looking handles! Also, nice work on tapping the bars! Makes life a lot easier when you can remove the cutter to sharpen!

Mike Minto
06-28-2009, 9:03 PM
curtis, i think it's sort of a skew substitute - don't really know, it just looked interesting when i saw one. supposed to be less 'dangerous' to cut beads and coves than a skew, and good for some detail work - we'll see...

Ryan Baker
06-30-2009, 12:31 AM
Nice work on the tools. Cold rolled steel won't hold an edge though, so you might want to remake the three-point tool in O1 rod or similar that you can harden and temper (or even a hardened M2 blank).