View Full Version : Jet 1220 VS question

Jack Gaskins
06-28-2009, 4:28 PM
Anyone that has the 1220 VS, does yours run warm? My spindle and spindle handle feel really warm only after a few minutes of use. This is a brand new lathe and this is the first I have used it. I noticed when I went to grab the spindle handle it felt really warm. My previous 1014 lathe never felt a bit warm no matter how long it ran. Is this normal? Is there a breakin period or is there to much tension on the belt. I loosened the tension on the belt a little but it still ran warm. Was wondering if the bearings need a breakin period before they will run cooler? I also noticed the lathe is stiff to turn either with or without the belt on. Is this simply due to the bearing being new?

Kyle Iwamoto
06-28-2009, 4:49 PM
Wow, you upgraded from a 1014 to the 1220? Interesting... My 1014 never gets hot in the spindle either. Does the spindle spin free? I would think it should not get the least bit warm. Belt misalignment, bearing bad could be 2 culprits.

David Christopher
06-28-2009, 5:13 PM
Jack, new bearings shouldnt be stiff or hard to turn....if it is brand new I would let the people that you bought it from take a look at it before it gets to old and out of warenty

Jack Gaskins
06-28-2009, 7:04 PM
Jack, new bearings shouldnt be stiff or hard to turn....if it is brand new I would let the people that you bought it from take a look at it before it gets to old and out of warenty

I purchased the lathe during the woodcraft sale back in May and it finally arrived last Wednesday. I used it this afternoon for the first time and when you turn the spindle by hand it turns, just not as easily as my 1014 did. Feels like something is to tight. If I spin the spindle it will stop without any free spin. My 1014 you could spin the spindle handle and it would easily free spin. I was just curious if this is because the bearings are really new and needed to be worked but then again there shouldnt be any heat in the spindle either not matter how much turning you do? My spindle get really warm,,fast. ?? I did notice that the outer bearing on the handle side sticks out of the casting. The casting around that bearing looks as if it was ground down to much because when you put a small ruller across it you can see the gap in the casting. You cant hear the bearing when you have the lathe on so I thought the bearings were installed properly just stuck out a little.??

Dennis Ford
06-28-2009, 7:12 PM
Its very possible that the bearings are in a bind, this might be caused by machining problems with the spindle or the casting or the bearings themselves. Whatever is causing it, the bearings will not last very long if they are tight and get hot during use.

Jack Gaskins
06-28-2009, 8:20 PM
Its very possible that the bearings are in a bind, this might be caused by machining problems with the spindle or the casting or the bearings themselves. Whatever is causing it, the bearings will not last very long if they are tight and get hot during use.

I agree. I went back out and turned on the lathe for about 60 seconds and touched the bearing on the handle side and it was very, very warm. On the spindel tap side you cant feel the bearings but the spindle itself was really warm. I looked to see if there was any obvious misallignments but cant tell. I think I am going to box it up and run it back to Woodcraft and ask for another one. I just hope I dont have to wait 5 weeks again:eek:.

Steve Schlumpf
06-28-2009, 8:52 PM
Jack - best of luck with your exchange! Sounds like this is a major problem waiting to happen! I agree with all the advice so far - normally a motor will get warm to the touch after it has been run for a while - but the bearings/spindle should not. Somethings wrong - exchange it.

Aaron Wingert
06-29-2009, 10:59 AM
Smart move to take that one back. No reason it should be harder to turn than a 1014 and it certainly shouldn't be building up any heat. Mine doesn't get warm.

Jack Gaskins
06-29-2009, 3:43 PM
Jack - best of luck with your exchange! Sounds like this is a major problem waiting to happen! I agree with all the advice so far - normally a motor will get warm to the touch after it has been run for a while - but the bearings/spindle should not. Somethings wrong - exchange it.

This is why I shop more at Rockler than at our local Woodcraft store,,,,,I called today to announce that I had issues with the lathe. The manager said I should take it across town to the Jet repair shop. I reminded him I just purchased the lathe and wanted an exchange, he said he would go ahead and place another lathe on order and I could return my broken lahte but that the owner did not like to do returns on power equipment. The owner wants you to get it repaired or return it through the manufacuter. What kind of crap is that. But the mangager said I could return it even though the owner would complain about it. Unbelievable.