View Full Version : Rob Cosman Dovetail Saw

Larry Frank
06-26-2009, 8:24 PM
After waiting what seemed too long, I finally got my Rob Cosman dovetail saw. I debated a long time about spending the money to get it. However, it is like a lot of good tools and just feels good in my hand. The finer teeth at the end of the saw make it easier to start the cut. I have spent some time just practicing making cuts with it to start on a line and stay on it. It seems to work very well but I seem to not work so well at times. I think that practice, practice, practice will help. I also have been practicing cutting on one side of a line as you need to do to make the hand cut dovetails.

The box that the saw comes in is nice and so is the CD with instructions for making a dovetail.

Now that I have the saw and used it for just a little while, what do I think? :) I am happy with the purchase and view it as one of those high quality tools which will last a long time.

John Keeton
06-26-2009, 8:30 PM
Larry, congrats!! I think you will love the saw!

Not sure if you saw the previous thread here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=112534), but there seemed to be a good exchange of thoughts on the saw.

Haven't talked with Rob in a while, but he was really excited about this saw. I suspect it will do well for him. Did you get the bone handle? Also, before the pic police pounce on you, a pic of your new saw would be great!

Larry Frank
06-26-2009, 8:34 PM
I got the bone handle but not certain that it would have mattered. The saw looks just like those on his website. When I make a hand cut dovetail that is "pretty good" I will post that picture. The best thing about the saw is the feel of it in your hand. That is one of my criteria for tools and this saw passes that requirement.

gary Zimmel
06-27-2009, 12:52 AM
Another congrats on your new saw Larry.

As all tools there is a learning curve to get really comfortable with them.
Upside is you have one of the best dovetail saws now...

A little practice and you will be cranking out those picture perfect dovetails in no time.