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Karl Laustrup
06-26-2009, 8:57 AM
Friday June 26, 2009


This is going to be short today as I'm under the weather. It doesn't look like I'm going to do anything this weekend except lay in bed and try and get rid of whatever it is I have.

What's on the agenda for you this weekend? Hope you all have a great weekend and please be SAFE.


Jerome Hanby
06-26-2009, 9:14 AM
Major cleanup in the Garage/Shop so that we have room to work. Probably cut, seal, and paint a couple of shelves to finish off baby girl's princess bedroom suite.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-26-2009, 9:43 AM
Yardwork and start tearing out the tile in preparation for replacing the tub and toilet.

Nate Carey
06-26-2009, 9:56 AM
WoodenBoat Show in Mystic, CT...

Dennis Peacock
06-26-2009, 12:39 PM
Howdy Karl,

Sorry you are under the weather bud.!! Hope you get to feeling better very quickly.

Oncall at the day job this week, so it's primarily working up until Monday morning at 8AM when I come off call.

Have a good weekend.!

Paul Ryan
06-26-2009, 1:10 PM
To the LAKE!

Mr. Jeff Smith
06-26-2009, 1:12 PM
I'm taking delivery of G0513X2 bandsaw in about 3 hours; guess what I'll be up to. :)

...Okay, besides playing with that, I'll be building an arbor.

John Loftis
06-26-2009, 3:16 PM
I'll be obsessing about the design of my next project (entertainment center) and pestering Creekers for help. Depending on how much feedback I get, I might actually saw a little wood.


Charles Wilson
06-26-2009, 8:15 PM
Too much.


Philip Johnson
06-26-2009, 9:10 PM
I have a shop full of new toys and was all set to enjoy a 3 day weekend making sawdust when I got sent out of town for work. Oh well the weather is nice in California and 3 days of overtime and double time will buy some tools.

Jim Becker
06-26-2009, 9:35 PM
Mowing the lawn.
Entertaining the 'rents who just arrived this afternoon, earlier than normal due to my Mother's older sister being in hospice.
Horse show on Sunday.
Maybe a picnic/swim at friends later on Sunday.

Jim Rimmer
06-26-2009, 10:10 PM
Since I posted about possibly buying a new table saw and was inspired to maybe upgrade what I've got I'll finish some honey dos and then research improvements for my existing saw - better fence, better miter gage/fence, some better blades, zci, new belt, etc. And then maybe spend some of what I save on a DC. I'll be inside because it's TOO STINKING HOT to go outside (100+ in Houston with high humidity :eek:)

Jim O'Dell
06-26-2009, 10:38 PM
I've got to take the carburetor back apart on the riding lawnmower. Rebuilt it 2 weeks ago, started dripping fuel in the garage early in the week, so I know the float is not shutting off. Reason I rebuilt it is it runs very rich. Rebuild didn't help. I've found absolutely not information on specs for setting this float. Kit had not information in it at all. May have to make a trip to the library to see if they have some rebuild manuals.
LOML informed me this evening that the water hose that goes from the house down to the sprinkler system pump for priming the pump has a broken spot, and is leaking water. That will have to be fixed. Sure thought I had the valve turned off at the pump so it wouldn't matter, but guess not. Oh and mow the yard if I can get the mower going.

Saturday, the Texas Rangers are having one of their Dog Days at the Park, where a limited number of people can sign up to bring their dogs to the baseball game. (I hope I have the right weekend) I have an email ready to send about a rescue dog we got several years ago. Turned into the shelter with a broken leg (hit by a car) on a Saturday. Was to be put to sleep Sunday, as is within the rules on dogs turned in by their owners, but the person that was to perform the deed was a big Rangers fan, and watched the game first. Gave our volunteer over in the Dallas area time to get there and save the dog. We got him fixed up, and our volunteer couldn't let him go after investing months of time and love with the rehab. The dog was named Ranger in honor of the shelter worker's love for the baseball team. Hope it gets some air time. They have read one of my emails before on the air. So if you watch the Ranger's local broadcast and hear this story, you'll know it is me!!:D

Andy Bardowell
06-26-2009, 11:06 PM
Off for two weeks, I hope to spend some serious time in my sanctuary, finish off a project, some clean-up, some sharpening, and start the next project, heaven.

George Sanders
06-27-2009, 7:45 AM
I was going to go to an auction that has a lot of old woodworking machines and plenty of wood. Then my truck needed an expensive repair and it ate all the money for the auction. Arrgh! Guess I'll go mow the yard.