View Full Version : Delta Model 10, Serious pointer problem

Tim Faust
06-25-2009, 11:39 PM
I recently bought an older Delta Model 10 Contractor saw at an auction, I never learn. It wasn't until I got it home that I noticed that tilt degree pointer was inside the case/base. I have pulled it apart to clean it up and find that it is not simply a case of bending the pointer back. I noticed that the hold down knob on the blade elevation wheel is missing, that makes me wonder if the shaft from another model was used. I would like an opinion before I start trying to pull the shaft back where it would place the pointer outside of the base.

I am adding a couple of attachments to show the location of the shaft, a large screwdriver just fits between the shaft and the casting. I just looked at that picture again and noticed a set screw, maybe I had better look into that. The other picture is an "over all".

Any recommendations on a spray cleaner for all fo the pitch, etc?

Myk Rian
06-26-2009, 7:17 AM
Any recommendations on a spray cleaner for all for the pitch, etc?
PBblaster at an auto parts store, or "Bar Keepers Friend" mixed to a paste with water.

Chip Lindley
06-26-2009, 8:46 AM
Tim, you've answered your own question! Dont BEND ANYTHING!! That setscrew does indeed adjust the pointer. The lock knobs on the height/tilt wheels were plastic with brass threaded inserts on early Model 10s. They screw onto the threaded shafts with a fiber washer between for friction.

I, too bought a Rockwell Model 10 at auction years ago and completely cleaned/restored it! It was a fine CS for me, for quite a few years! (A step Wayyy Up from Crapsman!)

Get a copy of the Delta owners/parts manual over at OWWM that shows 3D views of how the saw goes together. That will guide you through your cleaning/tweaking of the CS.

I used a great article in FWW #78, p.69, on Tuning Up Your Table Saw, to guide me through my adjustments, once ALL parts were disassembled, cleaned, repainted and put back together!

Floyd Mah
06-26-2009, 12:35 PM
While you are inspecting this saw, check to see that the front bar that the fence clips to, the round, chromed bar, is straight. I bought a Delta 10 many years ago, brand new, attached the pieces as instructed, and used it for a short while before I discovered that the bar was bowed. This was using the pieces that came new! I ended up having to file down some of the short pieces to which the bar was attached to allow the bar to be attached properly. I guess that this could have been done with shims also. I was pretty disappointed that a new saw was in that condition. Ultimately, I bought a Unifence and have been very happy with that since. I made a few modifications over the years, including a true riving knife, which I posted here last month.