View Full Version : New guy needs help

ryan kelley
06-23-2009, 12:06 PM
I am working on a sideboard that is African Mahogony and Maple and I plan on using pine on all interior parts including the bottoms for the cupboard area. My question is can I stain the pine on the cupboard bottom or is this a bad idea? I am trying to save money but I also want a fairly consistant look. My plan for the finish is 5 coats of BLO and beeswax on everything but the top and semi-gloss poly for the the top. This is my first "real" project outside of turning, I need help.

Scott Holmes
06-24-2009, 11:46 AM
Hardwoods and pine do not "move" the same. Careful design is recommended.

A better option would be to use soft maple for you secondary wood needs.

Poplar would be a better choice for "other" wood than pine.

Depending on the look you want, poplar and maple will blend with each other.

Conrad Fiore
06-24-2009, 1:19 PM
If you are using accepted joinery methods that account for wood movement to build your sideboard, than it doesn't matter what wood you use. Pine has been an acceptable secondary wood for two hundred years by some of the great furniture builders. So go right ahead and use your pine. If you don't want the contrasting colors of primary and secondary woods, and some people like that look, there is no reason why you can't stain your secondary woods. However you might want to stain those parts before assembly so you don't have to worry about bleeding the stain onto your primary woods.