View Full Version : Results of the Woodturning demo at church

Mark Burge
06-22-2009, 9:59 PM
A while back I solicited ideas from you all for a demo at my church featuring artists from the congregation. I was asked to show off some of my work to the kids. I had originally thought I would bring my lathe and turn something right in front of them, but that didn't end up happening. Rather, I preturned a bunch of disks and let the kids sand and string them to make necklace pendants that they could take home.

It was a rowdy bunch, but we were able to get things done. The kids were really taken by some of the things I had made and they had a lot of suggestions on how I could improve them! Mostly, they wanted me to make drums, rattles, and shakers out of my more artsy pieces. I forgot to bring a camera to the session, but I did get my two boys to show their pendants to the camera.

Thanks again for the help on ideas.

John W Dixon
06-22-2009, 10:14 PM
Mark, sounds like you had a good time though. Those kids will remember your turnings and their necklaces for a long time. We are having Vacation Bible School at our church this week......I know what you mean about rowdy!:D Still alot of fun though. Good on you!


Bernie Weishapl
06-22-2009, 10:26 PM
Sounds like a good time was had by all. Kids will definitely remember.