View Full Version : Weekend project - birdhouses

Stephen Massman
06-22-2009, 4:34 PM
Here are some pictures of my weekend project. I was commissioned to make four functional birdhouses for wrens.


I roughly followed Dave Hout's article off DIY network.

Here is a link to the article.

If interested you can search DIY's videos for "birdhouse" in the woodworking category video sections. BTW there is a wealth of turning videos and other woodworking videos in there.

Tom Wilson66
06-22-2009, 10:35 PM
Stephan, Great looking birdhouses:). Would like to make some myself. What wood and finish did you use? Also, I have heard that the little perch below the opening is not a good idea, since it gives a place for predator birdsto perch and get to the eggs or young:eek:. Have you heard anything on this?

Stephen Massman
06-23-2009, 7:06 AM
I used white oak for all the wood. I will be leaving two unfinished and two finished with spar varnish at the request of the buyer. I hadnt heard anything about a perch being a problem. In my research for the entry hole size, I went to a local bird lovers store and most of the houses had them.

Stephan, Great looking birdhouses:). Would like to make some myself. What wood and finish did you use? Also, I have heard that the little perch below the opening is not a good idea, since it gives a place for predator birdsto perch and get to the eggs or young:eek:. Have you heard anything on this?

Ron Fleice
06-23-2009, 7:25 AM
Actually Tom is right, the perch is not necessary and does allow predators
access to the eggs or chicks. I have made a few of these out of cedar all with no perch and they all have tenants, I believe the perch is for appearance only but not a good idea
BTW very nice job on the birdhouses
I don't want to hijack your thread but here is a pic of the one
I turned, solid cedar


Bernie Weishapl
06-23-2009, 8:09 AM
Great looking birdhouses. Thanks for the site info. I am planning on building a few of them from cedar I have obtained.

Stephen Massman
06-23-2009, 8:11 AM
I have a local hardwood dealer that had white oak at $2/bdft, and since it is naturally rot resistant also, I thought it was a good choice.