View Full Version : My new toy!!! Laguna LT16 wahoo!

06-22-2009, 1:32 PM
I have been searching for a while for a bandsaw upgrade and it has finally come through! Things like this dont often show up in my area (Maine). So when i saw this pop up on the 'bay and only a couple hours south of me, I jumped on the opportunity. After the auction, we went down to pick it up on Saturday. I was able to test it out and boy, was it smooth! I was able to cut a slice of mohogany 1/64 thick.

Its a Laguna LT16, I think its 8 or so years old. 12" resaw 3hp motor and HEAVY!! We got it down in the basement last night, but couldnt power it up beacause it was wired incorrectly. I will fix that tonight and get her fired up and begin my tune up and then start making some sawdust!!

It currently has a 1" Starret blade on it and an identical extra one (unused). The finish left during my test cut was AMAZING compared to what I have previously experianced on my Rigid BS. Also since i have never used a carbide tipped blade, this is a HUGE step up for me!

If anyone can help me with info as far as exact vintage, it would be much appreciated as well.

Does anybody have experiance with this blade vs a Laguna or other?? what are you thoughts/recommendations about these Starret blades?

Thanks for looking gents!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-22-2009, 1:43 PM

Congrats! There are a lot of happy LT-16 owners out there!

Bruce Page
06-22-2009, 2:35 PM
Congrats, that's a nice looking saw.
Starrett blades are well thought of in the metal working world.

Mike Wilkins
06-23-2009, 2:07 PM
Nice score and you have a really nice bandsaw. I have had a LT18 since 2001 and would get another if a UFO crashed into my shop. Yours looks like a late 1990's or 2000 model, as the graphics are different from mine. Not much has changed in those model years. Mine also has the 12" resaw but a larger throat opening.
I was able to find some Starrett blades at a local tool dealer in a 1/2" size, and these blades cut like a hot knife through butter. Extremely sharp.
I still use the blades I got from Laguna not long after I got the machine, including the Resaw King. If you have a local supplier that can weld up some blades it may be a better option than Laguna.

Don Dorn
06-23-2009, 2:23 PM
I had the pleasure of recently using one and add me to the list of those thinking you have a great saw and the last one you will ever need. Congratulations - a great find.

Garth Keel
06-23-2009, 2:50 PM
Check w/Laguna tools. They could most likely tell the year by the serial number.

Scot Ferraro
06-23-2009, 10:53 PM
Congrats on a your new toy, er tool! It is an awesome machine that should provide you with years of use. Mike is right -- it is a late 90's version. The graphics changed somewhere around 2000/2001 -- there is a plate on the back of the machine that should list the date of manufacture. There are lots of good blade choices out there -- I have been buying mine direct from Laguna and when they have sales going on (like they do now) they are a pretty good deal IMHO. I just purchsed the motor upgrade kit to switch out the Euro motor to the 4.5 HP Baldor motor -- it is a completely different machine now. The Euro motor ran very hot and did not have the umph for heavy resawing. I will post a picture this weekend when I am back home from my week of travels.

Enjoy your saw.
