View Full Version : Peeps

Mark Norman
06-20-2009, 12:03 PM
Chickens is the wife's hobby, and as if we don't have enough....




And fuzzy is on guard....or is he waiting for a snack;)


Greg Peterson
06-20-2009, 12:53 PM
How long until the get fluffy and cute?

Mark Norman
06-20-2009, 1:08 PM
Just a day or so Greg,

We are watching another one hatching now or I would be in the shop sanding and turning:p

Alan Trout
06-20-2009, 2:00 PM
Are they filled with Marshmallow? :D They are wonderful animals until they turn into roosters and wake you up in the morning.

Where I live it is amazing how many people keep roosters in the inner city. Of course being close to the border cock fights may not be legal but still happen.

Pretty cute.


Michael Weber
06-20-2009, 9:21 PM
Daughter keep chickens in Eugene, OR. No roosters allowed in the city limits.

Mark Norman
06-20-2009, 9:35 PM
#6 just hatched moment ago.

W are over run with chickens here. with these new additions we are at 44 IIRC.

We live in the mountians on six acres so its no problem. The roos dont bother me none, they crow all the time so I've gotten used to it.

Kevin Arceneaux
06-22-2009, 10:22 AM

These are mine

Michael Schapansky
06-22-2009, 2:44 PM
Nice Barred Rocks. I've got somewhere between 50 and 60. Only 1 roo. I should probably hatch another one. I have the same Little Giant incubator, though it has goose and guinea eggs in it right now.