View Full Version : Byrd Shellix for A3-31

Brad Shipton
06-16-2009, 7:15 PM
Some time ago I started dealing with Felder and Byrd to get a Shellix for my A3-31. I decided to change out the head since I have been working with a lot of Jatoba and I found too much tearout with the original head. Dont get me wrong, the stock head is great for most woods, but after getting the Jatoba test samples back from a shellix equipped machine I decided this was worth a try. If it were not for my space limitation I would have probably simply added a separate planer with a shellix or a larger cutter block.

The process to get the technical specs from Felder was very easy once the confidentiality agreement was signed by all parties. After that, along with a bit of back and forth between my Byrd rep and I, I had a shop drawing to sign off on.

Taking the cutterblock out is not a great deal of fun just like the Felder Tech in DE told me and I can only imagine the hours I will spend yet getting this all running properly again. I hope it is worth it in the end.

The new Byrd cutterblock arrived on Monday and I had a machine shop remove the old cutterblock and install the new one. It turned out they had to machine a few small tools to aid them to press things out properly.


More as the project continues.

C Scott McDonald
06-16-2009, 10:26 PM
Cool looking forward to the updates!