View Full Version : Any plans to make a table saw fence?

Gordon Davis
06-16-2009, 3:37 PM
Looking to tune my vintage craftsman table saw with a updated fence,any ideas on making one or retro fit a newer unit.

Cary Falk
06-16-2009, 5:06 PM
The Delta T2 is always a good choice.

John Schreiber
06-16-2009, 5:19 PM
I've seen plans for homemade versions out of plywood and looked at the idea myself. If you look at the basic design for a Biesemeyer, you can see that it's not really complex and in adjustability, there is some forgiveness for error.

I tried a Googled (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS273US273&q=table+saw+fence+make&aq=f&oq=&aqi=)it and there were some ideas there.

Jason White
06-16-2009, 5:41 PM
You're much better off buying one. HTC makes a really nice Biesemeyer clone. The Shop Fox T-square looks nice, too.

That said, Norm Abram made one on New Yankee using melamine and a pipe clamp. Part of the "portable tablesaw workstation," as I recall.


Looking to tune my vintage craftsman table saw with a updated fence,any ideas on making one or retro fit a newer unit.

Bill Huber
06-16-2009, 5:50 PM
If you really want to make one and have the tools to do it with its not that big of a deal when you look at some of the fences out there.

I have the tools, welder, metal cutting saw and the like but I just was really having a problem getting the parts I needed to make one and then I just bought a Mule and went on, never looked back, great fence and it worked fine on my old 54 you old Craftsman.

I liked the fence so much that when I got a new saw i put on it also.

John Withrow passed away so they are doing a little reconfig at Mule so I am not sure you can order one.



Cliff Rohrabacher
06-16-2009, 7:22 PM
I've seen some on the web. Most of the better ones require some welding Drilling and tapping of steel. They were pretty much knock offs of the Bies or the P.M. fence.

In fact if you get the P.M. fence PDF installation and use manual (it can be had online) you can use that as a very good guide to make one much like it.

Jeff Bratt
06-17-2009, 1:21 AM
Pictures and sketches for my Biesemeyer clone fence are here (http://home.roadrunner.com/%7Ejeffnann/WoodWorking/Shop/Shop.html#1950s_Sears_table_saw). The rail and fence sizes can be adapted to fit most any saw...

Gordon Davis
06-17-2009, 10:47 AM
Thank's for all your input guys,will post pics soon. On the lighter side of dumb never kick the lawn mower it bites back :eek:

Travis Teichmann
06-17-2009, 1:13 PM
I just picked up a scratch/dent/open box Xacta II fence w/out rails for less than half price. I'll end up with about $180 tied up in a $350 fence for a little sweat equity and some steel angle/tubing. If you can find the fence cheap, the rails are easy to build. I'll be working on this in a couple weeks.

Michael Prisbylla
06-17-2009, 9:26 PM
Here's one: http://joe.emenaker.com/Table-Saw%20Fence/Building%20Your%20Own%20T-Square%20Style%20Table-Saw%20Fence.pdf