View Full Version : Ash HF

Bill Bolen
06-15-2009, 12:37 PM
This Ash hf is 8X6.75 and has 4 coats of gloss wipe on poly for now. After looking at the pics I believe I need to level the surface a bit more. Those growth rings seem to be deep in Ash. Comments, critiques, suggestions are always a welcome thing…Bill..

Toney Robertson
06-15-2009, 1:11 PM
Attaboy Bill!

Sorry I just couldn't resist. :D

curtis rosche
06-15-2009, 1:25 PM
well after reading that other post about critiques, i like the shape and the wood, but i dont like your finish on this peice. i think atleast from the pictures, it looks to manufactured. like its plastic with an image on it. its just to glossy. it looks liek you are looking deep into the wood, but i think thats only good on highly figured peices.
other than that it looks great. the finish looks smooth and good, i just dont like the way it makes it look.

Roger Wilson
06-15-2009, 1:33 PM
After looking at the pics I believe I need to level the surface a bit more. Those growth rings seem to be deep in Ash.

Nice classic form and ash always seems to have something interesting about its figure.

I've done a couple of small ash bowls and have also noticed that the wipe-on-poly does not result in a smooth finish. The growth rings end up feeling like valleys.

Sooo how were you planning on leveling the finish. I was thinking that the way to do it was to use a heavy brushed on coat of regular poly, then sand down to the wood, repeating until the growth rings are filled in.

Ken Glass
06-15-2009, 2:13 PM
This is a very nice HF. It has all the qualities that are pleasing in regards to form and finish. Your right about Ash sometimes having the growth ring that will swell a little after finishing. Your idea of more coats to get it smoother will only add to the overall great appearance. Thanks for sharing.

Disclaimer: These observations are only an opinion, and do not in any way attempt to judge, critique, or generally cast any aspersions on anyone's work here at SMC or anywhere else in the world.

I also could not resist!!

Steve Schlumpf
06-15-2009, 2:37 PM
Bill - I like it! Great form and color! I can see what you are talking about with the growth rings - looks like they sucked in a little of the finish. Have to figure a couple of more coats should help in smoothing things out! I find the high gloss is in keeping with the rest of your work - so for me it is fitting.

Nice work!

Bill Bolen
06-15-2009, 3:51 PM
Toney...right, sand, sand, sand. Probably down to bare wood at the shoulder area. That is the only way I know to get the surface level...Bill..

Keith Burns
06-15-2009, 4:14 PM
Okay William, here is my, let me say it again, my opinion.

1. Finish: I don't care for the real hi-gloss finish although it is well done. I think a softer gloss finish adds a more natural sense to the wood.
2. Execution: Well done with no apparent flat spots in the curve and the form is well proportioned. The colar could be a little shorter and the foot a little smaller but their size does not detract from the piece.

Very well done.

alex carey
06-15-2009, 4:24 PM
Great shape, little too glossy for me though.

Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 5:37 PM
Okay William, here is my, let me say it again, my opinion.

1. Finish: I don't care for the real hi-gloss finish although it is well done. I think a softer gloss finish adds a more natural sense to the wood.
2. Execution: Well done with no apparent flat spots in the curve and the form is well proportioned. The colar could be a little shorter and the foot a little smaller but their size does not detract from the piece.

Very well done.
Keith, Why shorter on the collar and a smaller foot? I for one don't understand the tiny foot thing. The collar looks good to me, Ellworth likes them taller and much smaller also. I think the neck of a HF can be just about anything flat, recessed raised, flaired and and so on. It is one of the things that everyone has a preference for in his or her own work. Bill does it like I do so I am partial to his style. I do agree with the wet gloss look, not one of my favorites but I think once you get it filled to where you want it will change the look as the grain and indentations won't be seen. So keep sharing your work with us Bill, just one more thing can we see a couple of non HF's from you? Seems like you love the HF and there is not one thing wrong with that, thats for sure, as youdo them so well!


Allen Neighbors
06-15-2009, 6:05 PM
I agree with most about the form, collar and all. I love it. Looks like it would be nice to hold. And the foot (bottom), though slightly larger than is normally recommended, doesn't seem to detract from its overall appearance. My wife thinks it is perfect, because it won't be so easy to bump over. I think it's well done.
I understand what you say about the finish. I've never used wipe on poly.... (is that polyurethane?) so I don't know what to do about it, other than sand 'til the small depressions are gone, then re-apply. Is there a retarder that you can use on this type of finish? If so, a dab of retarder (to slow the set-up time a skosh, so it will even itself out while spinning slowly) might do just the trick.

Bill Bolen
06-15-2009, 6:21 PM
LOL, Jeff I posted a suspended box, Bob Hamilton style, a bit before this. Proof that I can at times do something other than HF's (hee hee hee). High gloss finishes are a love hate for me. I hate spending the time doing them, I prefer an oiled/buffed finish for the things I have kept for myself. Believe it or not the high gloss out sells the oiled finishes 5 to 1 in the stores that are selling my stuff hence so many high gloss postings. thanks to all for the constructive well intentioned comments. I got just what I asked for without tender nerve endings!...Bill..

Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 6:56 PM
Hey Bill, I remember the box!! Just giving you some grief!! I have sold more of the shiney ones also, not sure why but I think some people look at it as having more class or something the more shine it has! Money talks I guess!

Have a great day!


Richard Madison
06-15-2009, 7:43 PM
Beautiful SHAPE Bill. I like the proportions and smooth curvatures. But the finish does kinda suck. Maybe more wet sanding to level (if it's well sealed) and some more polystuff. Ever try lacquer? I quit using urethane years ago. Too much work and too much elapsed time if every coat has to dry at least overnight. Just opinions of course.

Curt Fuller
06-15-2009, 7:55 PM
Bill, I'm glad you posted a new piece while all the hubbubb is going on about the critiques. I think this is a beautiful hollowform in most every way. As a matter of fact I like almost all of your hollowforms. But for me, just me personally, I don't care for the gloss finish. So my reaction when I see your posts is to just usually not comment. I don't want to say something like "nice wood, nice form, bad finish" because it's an incredible finish. I just happen to not like the glass like finishes on wood. But I gotta say that you can get about the best gloss finish I've seen. So, beautiful form, nice continuous curve to it, and the finish is exceptional.;)

Keith Burns
06-15-2009, 8:06 PM
Keith, Why shorter on the collar and a smaller foot? I for one don't understand the tiny foot thing. The collar looks good to me, Ellworth likes them taller and much smaller also. I think the neck of a HF can be just about anything flat, recessed raised, flaired and and so on. It is one of the things that everyone has a preference for in his or her own work. Bill does it like I do so I am partial to his style. I do agree with the wet gloss look, not one of my favorites but I think once you get it filled to where you want it will change the look as the grain and indentations won't be seen. So keep sharing your work with us Bill, just one more thing can we see a couple of non HF's from you? Seems like you love the HF and there is not one thing wrong with that, thats for sure, as youdo them so well!


Jeff, I'm not sure I can answer your question about the collar and foot. All I can do is offer "my opinion" which is what I did. I don't think I said anything to offend Bill or to discourage him from posting. I always enjoy seeing Bills work.