View Full Version : Finally the Eucalyptus in on the lathe!

Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 9:54 AM
I know Jarrod McGehee has been waiting patiently for me to get the wonderful blank he sent me months ago on the lathe! So today it has finally happened! I got it roughed out and put some thinned down shellac on it to pop the colors for the pictures. I will put it on the chuck later and core out I hope 4 bowls. It is nice wood to turn and wish I had tons more. Thanks Jarrod and I hope the bowls don't dissapoint!


Ken Glass
06-15-2009, 10:29 AM
That one has some beautiful figure in it. Was it green or dry? I hope you do get 4 bowls out of it as it will make a great nested set. I hope all goes well.

Mike Svoma
06-15-2009, 1:34 PM
you get that thing on the lathe. You have been spending too much time at the sawmill and jawjackin' with me, lol. That is a great looking piece of wood. I love the color and grain.


Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 2:48 PM
Ken, The blank was wet when Jarrod sent it to me, but he did a fine job of sealing the whole thing with wax before he sent it out. It has dried some as the bark was still on it the whole time but that was left natural. So it is damp right now so it should work out real good! I agree it is pretty.

Mike, You are the one keeping me from getting my work done! But boy how I love those glazed donuts you bring when you are keeping me from turning!!! See you soon. Have you started your walnut turnings for the guild meeting? Me neither!!


Bill Bolen
06-15-2009, 3:48 PM
Dang, I hope it dries quick. I find myself a bit anxious to see your cored set from this pretty wood...Bill..

Steve Schlumpf
06-15-2009, 4:21 PM
I remember seeing the blank when I visited the other day. Sure looks like it was worth waiting for! Looking forward to seeing the finished set!

Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 4:45 PM
The afternoon went well when I got the air conditioner going good in the shop! It is 87 degrees right now and that is way to hot to be turning without the air conditioning!!! So here is the set of 4 bowls I got out of the blank, the biggest is just over 13" and then 11,9, and just under 7" so I think I did O.K. I am getting better with the McNaughton system each time I use it. They sure are pretty, I may have to get some more of this nice turning wood. Thanks again Jarrod!


Aaron Wingert
06-15-2009, 4:56 PM
Nice looking bowls from a very unique wood!

Mark Norman
06-15-2009, 8:29 PM
Love the yellows in that wood Jeff. What are ya planning on using for a finish on it? Ya gonna experiment with stain on the cut-offs?

Now ya got me wanting a coring attachment but first I need to save me spare change for a tailstock so I can weld up my ways.

Brian McInturff
06-15-2009, 8:44 PM
They look like they came out well. That'll be a nice set. Do you expect any warping? I've only turned a small piece of Euc so I'm not that familiar with the properties of it.

Mike Svoma
06-15-2009, 8:54 PM
Yup....it's all about the doughnuts. Nice job on the Eucalyptus set.

Yes, I have 1 small bowl turned I just need to add some finish.

Bernie Weishapl
06-15-2009, 10:57 PM
Boy Jeff that is some pretty wood. Great job on your nested bowls.

Steve Braman
06-16-2009, 7:20 AM
Do you only run the AC when you are working in the shop? Are you concerned about dropping the humidity in the space? I would think it might accelerate drying.

Jeff Nicol
06-16-2009, 7:41 AM
Do you only run the AC when you are working in the shop? Are you concerned about dropping the humidity in the space? I would think it might accelerate drying.
Steve, With the amount of water and the hundreds of turning blanks and drying bowls in the shop, I think it helps them to dry faster! I need to get them dry to finish them. I guess that I rough out a piece pretty quick also that it really does not effect it at all. Any of the wood that I want to not crack or check is sealed also so that will stop any faster drying time. My shop and situation is most likely different than most and if you only have a few blanks and are worried about them drying to fast, get the anchor seal on them as soon as you are done roughing and you should have no troubles. I don't do the DNA soak but that would be another way to ensure that the AC does not affect the wood. I like to be cool when I turn in the summer as I sweat very easily and the sweat will discolor some woods and I don't want to drip on something and not see it until later. Some of the staining can penetrate pretty deeply and can't be sanded out.

Hope that answers your question,


Peter Lamb
06-16-2009, 8:15 AM
Jeff, No doubt a fine piece of E but it is what you have done with it!!
Very well done. How long will you let them dry before you finish them?

robert hainstock
06-16-2009, 9:46 AM
To both you and Mike, Some donnuts have been known to make you SWELL UP and bloat.

That's a beautiful blank and bowl by the way. :D:D

Jeff Nicol
06-16-2009, 10:02 AM
Bob, I have a sweet tooth the size of Texas!!! So far my heart is still good and working well! I would like to be the size I was when I got out of basic training in 1978 but that was about 65lbs ago at 172lbs! So after 31 years I guess it is only 2lbs a year, but I was way to skinny then!!

Peter, I ended up coring them to about 5/8 to 3/4" thick so I will keep a good watch on them to see what they are doing as they dry. I covered them completly with anchorseal so it will be a few months to maybe 6 mo. before I get them finished.


Bill Bolen
06-16-2009, 10:56 AM
That is quite an attractive cored set Jeff. I really like the form your coring set put these bowls into. Anxiously awaiting the "finished" set. Congrats...bill...

Brian George
06-16-2009, 11:22 AM
Great Job,Jeff!


Jeff Nicol
06-16-2009, 11:23 AM
Great Job,Jeff!

Brian, I knew that was coming! You know me always ready to show off!! Got your walnut turned yet? I better get started!!


Jarrod McGehee
06-18-2009, 12:57 AM
Hey! I'm sorry for the late response, I've been busy with finals for school. But Jeff that looks great!!!!! I'm glad I gave you the big half that I didn't cut up as much. it looks sweet. I still have 2 other blanks that are wider across the grain but half that size with the grain. I can send them out to you since I haven't had too much time on the lathe but I'll hopefully get mine set up and I'll meet up with Mike Jackofsky who lives fairly close and is a real good turner.

Maybe if I can rustle up a trip out there I can see them done in person. My only question would be how do I get a decent amount of wood back with me if I fly.

But hey, I really do like that set of bowls. I'll show my mom the pics tomorrow. or and I have some dunnowood that I can cut into a blank and see what kind of magic you can do with it.

Jeff Nicol
06-21-2009, 4:44 AM
Hey! I'm sorry for the late response, I've been busy with finals for school. But Jeff that looks great!!!!! I'm glad I gave you the big half that I didn't cut up as much. it looks sweet. I still have 2 other blanks that are wider across the grain but half that size with the grain. I can send them out to you since I haven't had too much time on the lathe but I'll hopefully get mine set up and I'll meet up with Mike Jackofsky who lives fairly close and is a real good turner.

Maybe if I can rustle up a trip out there I can see them done in person. My only question would be how do I get a decent amount of wood back with me if I fly.

But hey, I really do like that set of bowls. I'll show my mom the pics tomorrow. or and I have some dunnowood that I can cut into a blank and see what kind of magic you can do with it.
Jarrod, What ever the dunnowood is it sounds fun! Send me some and I will do like I am for Mark Norman, I will send you back a finished piece to start your collection of turnings other than your own! Sorry I missed your post here, like you I get to busy or I am asleep in my lazyboy!

Thanks a bunch,


Wayne Leach
06-21-2009, 9:02 PM
Its not fair that you guys in the USA have so much neat wood to turn.
That wood looks like it is going to make fabulous bowls. Can't wait to see the completed bowls.
And another thing - I have been reading posts for a while and on my way home from Georgia in early April where I spend the winter I have been drooling over your wood gloats. Well 2 days from home we were camped in Oakdale,WS and the next day enroute I see this trailer go by with what looked like turning wood (somewhere around Black River Falls). So I call my wife on the radio (she had her little car and I pull the 5th wheel) and I say to her, I bet thats Jeff Nicoll with another gloat load of wood. I'll wave in the fall when I go by Eau Claire.
Nice work Jeff!

Mike Svoma
06-21-2009, 10:33 PM

You should stop by for a visit.


Jeff Nicol
06-22-2009, 7:35 AM
Its not fair that you guys in the USA have so much neat wood to turn.
That wood looks like it is going to make fabulous bowls. Can't wait to see the completed bowls.
And another thing - I have been reading posts for a while and on my way home from Georgia in early April where I spend the winter I have been drooling over your wood gloats. Well 2 days from home we were camped in Oakdale,WS and the next day enroute I see this trailer go by with what looked like turning wood (somewhere around Black River Falls). So I call my wife on the radio (she had her little car and I pull the 5th wheel) and I say to her, I bet thats Jeff Nicoll with another gloat load of wood. I'll wave in the fall when I go by Eau Claire.
Nice work Jeff!
Wayne, You are welcome! You are also welcome to stop by and chat and get some wood on your way through WI any time! I love to gab and to share my bounty!! Thanks for the post and hope to see you some day!


Wayne Leach
06-22-2009, 6:29 PM
Jeff and Mike,
Thanks for the welcome guys!
I would love to drop by on my way down south this fall and will let you know if/when I will be in the neighbourhood.
Thanks a bunch,

Jim Kountz
06-22-2009, 6:59 PM
Amazing grain, how sweet the sight........
Sorry couldnt resist!! Looking good Jeff, looking good!!

Jarrod McGehee
06-23-2009, 12:43 AM
Ha! I do the same thing here. especially after one of those long hard days. So if you send one back that means that I'll have a few pieces to show off because I don't have anything (well presentable at least).

Jim C Bradley
06-23-2009, 1:12 AM

I enjoyed your bowl photos.

Question: Do you know what kind of euclyptus? Last I heard there were over 350 types of euclyptus.

I can, and do, get a chord or two for firewood every year. Any time a neighbor tops or removes a tree, they ask me if I want the wood. I say yes and get out my trusty chain saw, splitters, etc. and turn it into firewood. It is usually Lemon Gum or Red Gum. The pieces are from a couple inches in diameter up to thirty inches.

I am bran--spanky new at woodturning. I didn't even think of turning it because it seems quite fiberous when I'm driving a wedge into it.

Clue me in please.



Mark Norman
06-23-2009, 2:00 AM

I enjoyed your bowl photos.

Question: Do you know what kind of euclyptus? Last I heard there were over 350 types of euclyptus.

I can, and do, get a chord or two for firewood every year. Any time a neighbor tops or removes a tree, they ask me if I want the wood. I say yes and get out my trusty chain saw, splitters, etc. and turn it into firewood. It is usually Lemon Gum or Red Gum. The pieces are from a couple inches in diameter up to thirty inches.

I am bran--spanky new at woodturning. I didn't even think of turning it because it seems quite fiberous when I'm driving a wedge into it.

Clue me in please.



I too am brand new at turning, I also had no idea euc could be so fantastic. I have plenty available too and until I saw this I never thought it was good for anything more than heat for me home.
Also Cedar and other soft woods can hold mysteries inside em. I never even thought of turning a pine cone until I saw it done, I have yet to do so but its on my list of things to turn. We have plenty of them too.

These guys (and gals) here on SMC have shown me so much of what beauty is hiding in every tree in the forest and even the bushes and bowling balls. simply amazing what can come from the everyday stuff when ya put it on a lathe and spin it. Just take away what is not art with a gouge, chisel, saw or other sharp piece of steel ya have and miracles happen.

Jeff Nicol
06-23-2009, 6:46 AM

I enjoyed your bowl photos.

Question: Do you know what kind of euclyptus? Last I heard there were over 350 types of euclyptus.

I can, and do, get a chord or two for firewood every year. Any time a neighbor tops or removes a tree, they ask me if I want the wood. I say yes and get out my trusty chain saw, splitters, etc. and turn it into firewood. It is usually Lemon Gum or Red Gum. The pieces are from a couple inches in diameter up to thirty inches.

I am bran--spanky new at woodturning. I didn't even think of turning it because it seems quite fiberous when I'm driving a wedge into it.

Clue me in please.


Jim, For me if I can get mounted on the lathe I will turn it!! I am not sure which type of Euc it is that Jarrod sent me, but it was heavy and turns like a dream! Not a lot of smell to it and nice tight grain. I sealed all the bowls with Anchor seal and will watch them as they dry, so far no warping at all! For the gum trees it sounds like you have a bonanza there in turning wood!! I know guys turn red gum all the time and it some very nice stuff! The lemon gum just sounds like it would be fun to try! I hope to win the lottery and I will get a truck that I can drive and visit everyone in the forum and bring wood to trade and bring other species back!! What a dream!! But it would be fun to be able to do that!! So put it on the lathe and spin it, you never know what lurks under the bark!


Jarrod McGehee
06-24-2009, 1:26 AM
Jim, first of all, nice to see you on SMC. man, we're practically neighbors because I live in Vista. So the story to this wood that Jeff turned (way better than I ever could) is what I believe is red gum. The bark was about 2ish inches thick with dark red sap all over the bark. I heard chainsaws running in my area so I went looking. The guy had so much of it that he was going to turn into burning wood and I'm sorry I didn't get more. hopefully he still has some that's still sound enough to turn on a lathe but it's red gum I think.

And Mark, like you were implying, Jeff IS a really creative and awesome turner.

oh and Jim, lets get together soon and we can turn and trade some wood or something. or even go woodhunting together. My eyes always wander to awesome gnarly burly trees on the side of the road. I just hope I come across one cut up. and I have 2 trailers. I'm going to put a winch on one and it'll make loading it easier