View Full Version : Tool Rack/"Studio" Gloat

George Guadiane
06-15-2009, 12:05 AM
OK, maybe gloat is the wrong word :confused:, but...
I have FINALLY been working on getting order in my shop/life. :cool:
I have hung stuff on the walls, Even my sandpaper is organized, so that I can find it, and tonight I finished the Don Orr inspired tool rack that I have been thinking about for months.
My gouges and scrapers are now where I can find them, with ease :eek:

alex carey
06-15-2009, 2:56 AM
Looks like all the sand paper and tools are definitely in order. Are you going to put the tools higher though?

David Walser
06-15-2009, 3:05 AM
Please tell us more about how you constructed your tool rack. Did you glue each of the PVC pipe sections together and then screw the glued up unit to the plywood frame? It seems to be a very space efficient design. You're getting 29 tools in the width it only 10 would typically allow to fit. And, it looks like you've room to add another row of 9 PVC pipe sections.

Bernie Weishapl
06-15-2009, 9:29 AM
George that is a good looking unit. Neat and orderly for sure.

Jeff Nicol
06-15-2009, 9:33 AM
I hope some day to get mine all that orderly, my sandpaper is just a disaster! I showed Steve the drawer when he was here for the visit, it was a very quick open and shut type thing! Great job at organization, it surely lets you turn a bit faster when you are not hunting and digging around for tools!


Burt Alcantara
06-15-2009, 10:46 AM
Excellent idea and execution.

George Guadiane
06-15-2009, 12:48 PM
I'm going to leave it where it is and put up some hooks above for the Monster hollowing tool parts and a few other things
I cut the first row, beve,ing the top and bottom so that I could screw in each one.
Then I laid them out, lined them up and glued them together, just slopping glue in the seam they formed, then pressing them together a bit.
I sanded them even and drilled them for mounting on the wood stand.
THEN I took a 3/4 inch voidless core maple veneer piece of "scrap" from a local CNC furniture maker and "designed" the stand.
When the stand was done, I mounted the first row.
Next I cut the second and third rows and laid them out on top of the first row.
I took off the last row, lifted each piece of the second row and slopped some glue on each part and set it in place.
By the time I got done with the second row, it was set enough to add the third.
When I was done, we went out for pizza.
After dinner, I came back and set everything in place then took pictures.

The second and third rows are flat on the bottom because I didn't need the bottom bevel for mounting and the top bevel makes it easier to get to the smaller tools.
I am going to make a shelf on the back so that I can drill holes for my custom screwdriver scrapers, THEN most of my tools will be in one place.

I DO (barely) have room for one more row, but I'm not sure I want to add it - yet.
Neat and Orderly, unlike me in so many ways!
I have been fighting against doing this for TOO LONG. It's worth the effort to not be frustrated by my own disorderly mind and behavior.
I also have a file box which holds a selection of all of my sheet sandpaper. The box has a storage top where I keep my sticky rolls and credit card/hotel room key plastic things (I use them to put the sandpaper on, it's flexible and has a clean edge so that I can get into tight edges).
Burt and All,
Thank You For The Kind Words!

Don Orr
06-16-2009, 3:22 PM
Actually way better than mine:D. And what is that surface below the tool rack-is that the FLOOR:eek::D. You can actually SEE the floor ? :eek: I'm sure this organization will help improve your efficiency and hopefully your pleasure while in the Studio. Very cool !

George Guadiane
06-16-2009, 11:02 PM
Actually way better than mine:D. And what is that surface below the tool rack-is that the FLOOR:eek::D. You can actually SEE the floor ? :eek: I'm sure this organization will help improve your efficiency and hopefully your pleasure while in the Studio. Very cool !
OK, OK!!
So I sweep ONE TIME and I get grief!
I'll try not to let it happen again???

Seriously, thanks for the great idea and I don't think mine is any better than yours.

Steve Schlumpf
06-17-2009, 9:13 AM
George - that is a pretty cool setup!

What really caught my eye is your sandpaper organizer! I have a small clear plastic bin that I put all the sandpaper in and only grab what I need - when I need it. Usually that results in finding out I am out of a particular grit only when I go to grab it! Duh! Don't you just hate when that happens? Anyway, sure looks like your system would help organize all the sanding disks as well as allow me to view quantities. Good idea! Thanks for sharing!

Scott Conners
06-17-2009, 6:38 PM
Where did you get the sandpaper bins on the wall? I just got into power sanding with discs, and I need to organize!

George Guadiane
06-18-2009, 12:35 AM
Where did you get the sandpaper bins on the wall? I just got into power sanding with discs, and I need to organize!
I got mine from GlobalIndustrial.com (http://www.globalindustrial.com/gcs/group/1509/productsPerPicGroups.web)
I looked in all of the big box hardware stores in my area, no one carried them any more.
They are WONDERFUL!!!