View Full Version : Upcoming event at Palomar Kezurou-Kai

Mark Singer
08-21-2004, 10:20 AM
Chris Feddersohn a woodworing instructor at Palomar College just Emailed me on this great event. Please read the attached link. It features a Special Award given to Sam Maloof who will attend. Anyone in the area should try to make it. I went to a timber framing event there and it was great. The student work is of very high quality and worh viewing as well. The very higly regarded "Funahiro" chisels and plane blades will be demonstrated.
Please open the attached link:



Jim Becker
08-21-2004, 11:17 AM
Mark, are my eyes seeing a "planer" plane??? (for want of a better description...) I bet that will give the arms a workout!

Mark Singer
08-21-2004, 11:36 AM
They typically have a contest for the longest shaving and the widest. Chris went to Japan and attended these contests...pretty amazing.

Pete Harbin
08-21-2004, 2:19 PM
Look at that giant piece of shaving sitting at the end of the table. It looks like a sheet of tissue paper!

I knew I still had a long way to go, but the trip just got longer! Wish I lived in CA...well, for a minute at least... :rolleyes:

Mark Singer
08-21-2004, 6:41 PM
This thread is creating so much interest I though I would include another photo::rolleyes:

Manny Hernandez
08-21-2004, 11:42 PM
Hope I can remember how to post a pic. Here goes....
This is a picture from the Kez Kai held up here in Berkeley in 2001. That's Mr. Kamijo pulling the plane. In the first pic you posted, I believe that is him with his back to us.
Those large planes are relatively easy to pull. These guys are masters at tuning them which makes it easy to pull a shaving. Mr. Kamijo allowed us to try it.

Mark Singer
08-22-2004, 12:31 AM
You see , its fine to make shavings just for the fun of it! You don't have to be working on a project....just make a shaving. I might even shave tomorrow....nah...Sunday and my beard is looking too .....fill in your own word

David Rose
08-22-2004, 12:36 AM
How in the world do they take cuts like that without even skewing the irons? Maybe some bruiser the size of a freight train could do it, but these folks are average looking! :eek:

David, who did a lot of skewing on some cherry tonight

Bob Hovde
08-23-2004, 12:54 PM
How in the world do they take cuts like that without even skewing the irons? Maybe some bruiser the size of a freight train could do it, but these folks are average looking! :eek:

Check out the wood they're using. It'd cost more than a Festool! :D
