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Belinda Barfield
06-12-2009, 12:27 PM
The "Alias" thread got me wondering about nicknames. Do you have one (or more)? Interesting or funny story behind it?

Until I started school I was Susie or Suz. I really liked Susie and think I would have turned out differently had I stuck with that one. I seem to be a magnet for nicknames. I'm Doodlebug, or just Bug, to my daddy (don't anyone dare!). High school boyfriend's dad called me Half Pint. Everyone in the famliy was over 6'. Others on the list - B-baby, Baby Blues, Blender, Lindy, Belin, Little Bit, and Strut. I have a couple of others I won't mention here.

Judy Kingery
06-12-2009, 12:35 PM
Ha Belinda,

This sounds like a fun thread! Aside from Hey Jude (with the accompanying tune half the time), let's see: Judilee, Prude, Prudence McGee, (because I and a couple other girls I hung out with were considered 'wild' in college, HA, NOT. It's very easy to be considered 'wild' when you go to a Christian college, simply by laughing, dancing, without being 'wild' really at all, just fun.) Have a 30 year college reunion coming up this Fall and it is totally funny what people say at 50 they'd keel over anyone knowing at 20, hence, they found out I was far less wild than they ever thought, I suppose comparatively speaking as folks tell all kinds of apparently true tales of their past adventures in school.

Childhood nick names included Judd for the Defence and Bird-Legs. Ha, Bird-Legs would still apply. Jude-ster because I like sports cars and driving fast. But Jude's fine with me. I don't think I had any nicknames I couldn't share come to think of it.

Be fun to see what people share!


Belinda Barfield
06-12-2009, 12:54 PM
Childhood nick names included Judd for the Defence and Bird-Legs.

LOL. Jude, you reminded me of another one. I dated a guy in high school who called me Pond Scoggin (that's a bird) because I had these long skinny legs. Thankfully the rest of me finally caught up with my legs.

Polly Purebred, given to me by a really mean kid in the 7th grade.

Hotlips because I was a huge fan of M*A*S*H.

Ya Ya name Princess Sue Bee Honey

Mitchell Andrus
06-12-2009, 1:06 PM

Self named because I couldn't pronounce Mitchell when I was little. My mom still calls me this.

Belinda Barfield
06-12-2009, 1:12 PM

Self named because I couldn't pronounce Mitchell when I was little. My mom still calls me this.

Mitchell that is absolutele TOO CUTE! :D

glenn bradley
06-12-2009, 1:43 PM
Glenn doesn't lend itself to nicknames. Of course, I had nicknames in highschool that can't be mentioned here. The crowd I ran with tried for the most insulting and inappropriate nicknames; variations of which stuck to some on into college.

Judy Kingery
06-12-2009, 1:45 PM

Funny you should mention that, my husband, being Glen, had one nickname in college that I can't mention here, albeit funny! His other nickname I still call him from time to time; Glenjamins or Glenjamin Franklin Pierce. That just made me laugh you said that about college names for Glen(n) that can't really be mentioned, ha!

Have a good one!


Nate Carey
06-12-2009, 1:47 PM
...some 40 years ago my fraternity brothers called me Harpo...http://ts3.images.live.com/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=710106551118&id=c5938374011966740d747c6c04d06929

Ken Fitzgerald
06-12-2009, 1:50 PM
Well...for me it's the obvious "Fitz"....

and then I'll own up to the fact I come from a long line of hillbillies. My Dad's name was Paul......my middle name is Paul.......all of my Dad's relatives still call me "Kenny Paul"........:o

Please don't!

Jamie Delker
06-12-2009, 1:53 PM
Jamie is my nickname, my given name is James. After two boys, my mom wanted a girl, so she split the difference and called me Jamie, since they had already decided to name me after my uncle if I was a boy. I think if my mom hadn't really wanted a girl so badly, they'd probably be calling me my uncle's nickname, Bud. Not sure if I'd like that or not.

My siblings call me Herman, and some friends call me Roger, if you had been present at certain times in my life you'd know why. :D

Matt Ellis
06-12-2009, 2:04 PM
depending on what day it is, my wife likes to call me the mean so-and-so that ruined her life! that count? :o


Phyllis Meyer
06-12-2009, 2:14 PM
Diller:D! My Father's name was Phil so I was named after him, but my Brothers decided that Diller was fitting for my name.

Fun post Belinda!


Chris Padilla
06-12-2009, 2:25 PM
Well, Chris is obviously short for Christopher so nothing exciting there.

My younger brother was called "Gringo" by my father but he was the only one who used that name.

My daughter, Francesca, goes by "Frankie". I purposely planned this one as I like masculine nicknames for girls. :)

Mike Henderson
06-12-2009, 2:38 PM
I have an initial for a first name. A looong time ago, back in the dark ages, they used to fill out your driver's license by hand. So, since I have only an initial for a first name, my driver's license was written as

P(only) Michael Henderson

So I get stopped by a cop for speeding. Since the driver's license is handwritten, and not that legible, the cop writes the ticket out to

Ponly M. Henderson

For a while after that, I was known to my friends as Ponly.


Jamie Delker
06-12-2009, 2:43 PM
I have an initial for a first name. A looong time ago, back in the dark ages, they used to fill out your driver's license by hand. So, since I have only an initial for a first name, my driver's license was written as

P(only) Michael Henderson

So I get stopped by a cop for speeding. Since the driver's license is handwritten, and not that legible, the cop writes the ticket out to

Ponly M. Henderson

For a while after that, I was known to my friends as Ponly.


That's interesting, as I know a guy whose first name is 'J'.

Belinda Barfield
06-12-2009, 6:17 PM
My daughter, Francesca, goes by "Frankie". I purposely planned this one as I like masculine nicknames for girls. :)

I have a friend who is one of seven daughers, all have masculine names. Let me tell ya', not a single one of looks even remotely male. The spellings are unusual as well. My friend's name is Kraig.

glenn bradley
06-12-2009, 6:29 PM
For a while after that, I was known to my friends as Ponly.

That's funny. My dad was in the marines with a guy who was dog tagged Monly Bonly Peterson for the same reason.

Jason Beam
06-12-2009, 6:38 PM

From my last name. It started in Jr high, I think. I was a skinny nerdy kid (still am) and took a good ration of fluff. This nickname was somehow supposed to be a jab. Instead, I just took it for my own and I actually prefer it over Jason. I can't stand Jason. If you really get to know me, please call me Beamer. I would much rather not cringe every time you say my name. :D

Take that, Jr. High jerks! :P

David G Baker
06-12-2009, 9:10 PM
Not sure why or where it came from but the nickname that was used the most for me over the years was Uncle Dave. When I was spending a lot of time on the CB radio back in the 80s my handle was Uncle Purvey, given to me by some women on the radio. It came from my impersonating a Laugh In character whose name I can't remember for sure (think it was Artie Johnson) but he was the old guy that sat on the park bench picking on Ruth Buzzy. In the Army I was known as Baked Beans after my last name Baker. My ex-wives called me a few names that I won't post. :D

sean m. titmas
06-12-2009, 9:36 PM
My given name is Sean Matthew Titmas and aside from the occasional mispronunciation of my first name as Seen, it’s my last name that has gotten the most attention through the years. At first when I was in grade school I would come home crying because the kids at school would tease me incessantly about my name. It took a lot of scuffles and after school fights for me to realize that there was nothing wrong with me or my name and I should feel proud to have a name with such a long history. After a few years I got past all the name calling and grew up to the point where it no longer bothered me and I even took the names they called me and used them as nick names.

Jim Rimmer
06-12-2009, 9:56 PM
Jim is nickname for James. When I was in the Navy the group I was in had nicknames for everyone that started as one thing and ended up something else. Mine started as Trim & Slim Rim Jim (Rim Jim from Jim Rimmer). It ended up as just Trim.

The strangest one was a guy with last name Harper. They called him Dub. It started as IW (from the Whisxkey IW Harper) and the IW then W then Dub.

John Fricke
06-12-2009, 10:26 PM
In my former life as a farmer, we covered a lot of ground. 5000 acres located in 3 different counties. Somewhere along the way we began calling ourselves RoadRunneR farms and I was tagged Roady. I still use it in my email address and if I ever get to the point of selling any items it will be under roady's woodworks.

Belinda Barfield
06-12-2009, 10:37 PM
Really, is there some conspiracy to get me banned from this forum? I start an innocent thread about nicknames, I get a response that could be deemed offensive to women (me), against the TOS, and not appropriate for young readers. Think, people, think! I really don't need to have another thread deleted. Let's keep this above board, please!

Eddie Watkins
06-12-2009, 10:45 PM
When I was in the Marines in Vietnam, A guy started calling me "Gorilla". I am 5'10 and weighed around 210# at the time and my arm span is 6'7" so my arms look fairly long. He thought I was built like Gorilla so the name stuck for my entire tour.

Leigh Costello
06-12-2009, 11:32 PM
When I was a small child, before I had my 1st surgery and couldn't walk, it was Baconsnatcher 'cuz I would reach around and steal bacon from everybody and eat it. Still use is as my ebay nic. Then after surgery my golden locks turned carrot-top red, but they called me Punkinhead. My cousin who is deaf calls me LuLu to this day. My sibs call me Firecracker 'cuz I love fireworks. My boss calls me LateLeigh and my honey calls me Sug. My daughter calls me Mom and that is the best one after Sug.:D

Dave Verstraete
06-13-2009, 7:38 AM
When I saw this thread..I didn't remember any of my nicknames. As I read it, they slowly appeared out of the cobwebs in the cranium.

1. Jake - This one originated at the Tool shop that my father had worked at before I took up the "trade". They called me Jake's Kid for about a year. I fought it for a while and then I gave up and told them to call me "Jake". Most of my Diemaker tools have "Jake" etched on them. Nobody knew who Dave was!! I still have Dad's Gerstner toolbox and mine in the woodshop.

2. Pa Roke - This one originated in Peace Corps. Sierra Leone, West Africa. I was housed during training in the local Cheiftain's house. He (the Pa Roke) named me "Pa Roke lol. "lol" in Temne means little or small. So all of my friends from Peace Corp know me as "The Pa"

Rick Gooden
06-13-2009, 7:51 AM
I don't know how this happened, but people I don't even know have given me a common nickname, must have come from my wife. They all refer to me as "JERK". I Kinda like it, does anyone know what it means?

David Epperson
06-13-2009, 8:21 AM
10 years or so ago I participated in a rather heated discussion concerning the effects of barrel harmonics on the accuracy of rifle shooting. This was on a gun oriented board. As a result one of the other posters started refering to me as "That Vibe guy". I actually liked it as opposed to taking it as the insult he intended. So ever since then, that has been my internet "nickname". My usual Avatar on most boards is similar -it refers to the one wildcat (homemade custom) round I have made ammunition and a rifel for. So if you ever see a poster on another board that has the nickname "Vibe" and an avatar of a Cricket in the Crosshairs..That will be me.

Others have included "Gus", "Little Horse" all the way to "Efferdent", with the obligatory interestiong story to go with each.

Andy Bardowell
06-13-2009, 8:42 AM
Franco, in the old days while in college I had a full beard and worked at the Canadian Pacific railway in the summer, the guys thought that I looked like Franco Harris the great back of the Steelers.

David Freed
06-13-2009, 9:16 AM
In high school, I was called bigfoot and sasquatch because from the time I was a sophmore I had a full beard, wore size 13 shoes, and was second in the history of the school in weightlifting. When I started driving a truck at 18, several people started calling me maniac (for some reason :rolleyes:). I have tamed my driving down in recent years. Almost 1.5 million miles with no tickets or accidents.

Jim Kountz
06-13-2009, 1:19 PM
Well I of course am really James but go by Jim, Jimmy, JD (middle name is Daniel). My good friends for the last 20 years or so have all called me "Tate" or "Tater". Its a long story!!

Mark Hix
06-13-2009, 1:24 PM
This brought back alot of memories....besides the obvious- Country- all thru school and college, my grandfather called me Roundboy.

Rich Engelhardt
06-14-2009, 7:24 AM

I picked up the nickname Albert from my dad.

After a cartoon character named Albert.

Steve Clardy
06-15-2009, 5:30 PM
Hulk....[my sons were young and thought I was the strongest man]

Eagle eye...back when my eyes were good.

Smoothie...the day I shaved my beard off and went to work and no one knew who I was for about 10 minutes.

Belinda Barfield
06-15-2009, 7:03 PM

Just wanted to say, I have long admired your sig line. Off topic, but my thread, so I took some liberty.

Jim Rimmer
06-15-2009, 10:14 PM
Well I of course am really James but go by Jim, Jimmy, JD (middle name is Daniel). My good friends for the last 20 years or so have all called me "Tate" or "Tater". Its a long story!!

Is the "long story" anything like teh Ron White tail of getting kicked out of bar in New York City. "You got me, you got the Tater Salad." :p

Jim Kountz
06-16-2009, 1:29 AM
Is the "long story" anything like teh Ron White tail of getting kicked out of bar in New York City. "You got me, you got the Tater Salad." :p

Well they've been calling me tater for a long time before Ron came along with his routine.
There was some beer and some more beer and a guitar. I started doing impressions and one was of little Jimmy Dickens who they call..............Yep they call him tater. So since my name is Jimmy too the name just stuck right away and anyone who's known me for any time at all calls me Tate or Tater ever since!!

Mark Norman
06-16-2009, 1:56 AM

Just dont tell anyone. I haven't been called that in twenty years except by my brothers.

My brother Greg had two unusual nicknames while growing up. Early on it was Wuggy cuz my lil sis couldnt say the G sound so well and Greg came out Wegg. Later on he was in high school it was Tinker,, Think Partridge family;)

Mat Ashton
06-16-2009, 6:33 AM
My high school days I was called mat dog instead of mad dog, I was a bit intense and aggressive back then. The reputation had it's benefits... In collage the nick name webster started to stick; apparently it's cause I had an answer for everything... My wife calls me chicken for what reason I have no idea. But she's not one to make up logical nick names. She calls one of the cats pussy titties! (and no it's not for that reason) I've asked where the heck did she get that one from and she has no idea, it just sort of evolve out of nothing... And the other cat she calls mini mouse!?!?

Stephen Musial
06-16-2009, 1:37 PM
With my last name and growing up in St. Louis after having moved here from Pittsburgh, Stan was pretty much of a natural. However, I have another one that only my wife calls me:

We went to Mexico and the resort we stayed at catered mainly to Europeans and all of the food was listed in English and German. We were sitting at dinner one evening and ended up with a bunch of drunk Germans who were all talking in German and laughing and it was easy to tell that we were the butt of the conversation. One of them then asked for the roasted pork, but he asked in German. I recognized the word "Schweinefleisch" from seeing the word on the menu so I took a chance and picked up the platter and passed it to him. The look on his face was priceless. He said "Danke" and I replied "Bitte" (you're welcome) - one of about 3 German words I happen to know (the other 2 being Bosch and Volkswagen).

They were then under the impression that I spoke German and understood everything that they had been saying about us. One of the women then started talking to my wife in English. She asked about us and my wife, having had a few drinks, told them that her name was Trixie, mine was Pepe and that I was a professor of European Languages at St. Louis University. We then excused ourselves and went to the bar. The German lady came up the next day and apologized profusely about dinner the night before. By then, my wife was feeling bad (and sober/hungover) and told the lady that our names were not really Trixie and Pepe and that in reality, I designed swimming pools and fountains and she was quite surprised that I even knew the German word for "you're welcome".

Luckily, the German lady had a great sense of humour and never told the loudest-mouthed German guy the truth. It seemed like we were constantlly running into them and he kept buying us drinks and the German lady just sat back and smiled.

14 years later and my wife still calls me Pepe.

David Duke
06-16-2009, 2:30 PM
I've been Dabo to my family as far back as I can remember don't know where it came from other than a short version of David (think JohnBoy from the Waltons). Other than family my wife and a few childhood friends no one else calls by me that.

Belinda Barfield
06-16-2009, 2:42 PM
14 years later and my wife still calls me Pepe.

I loved the story! I can just it playing out in my head!

Michael Poller
06-16-2009, 4:22 PM
I'm 'the leg'.

Broke my leg white water rafting on the Dead River in Maine during a big water release about 5 or 6 years ago.

Got tossed far from the boat in a big hit. The hole we hit was called 'unemployement hole' because normally a guide loses his job for going through it and losing rafters. Had to 'nose and toes' it for about 200 yards, praying for my life the whole time. I actually passed two guys on the river bank, about 10 yards from me, and prayed they had a rope to throw me. They didn't. I'm not a very religious man but that's how serious this water was. High class 4 and class 5 rapids all day.

When they finally reached me to pull me back in the boat, I was down river from the boat, and when they hauled me back in, my leg had become trapped between the bottom of the boat and a rock which broke my leg right below the knee.

Finished the trip (about 2 more miles) since there was no choice. No other way off the river at that point. Got back to the campsite, took a few shots of jack, went and had dinner (no way was I missing that freshly roasted suckling pig that had been slow roasting all day). Then we finally took the hour ride to the hospital in Skowhegan where their Xray tech on duty was unable to find the break after an hour of xray attempts.

Back home at the hospital in Cambridge, MA, one Xray and 5 minutes later they identified the break and I was on my way to healing.

To this day I am still very good friends with the river guide who was leading our boat that day and was the one who pulled me in hard enough to break my leg. I thanked him for that because the next set of rapids beyond where I was pulled in is a place that a number of folks have died in.

When the rafting company owner came over to see me, I just said don't worry about it. I payed to play, and those are the risks.