View Full Version : Summer time Woodshop bug problem

Philip Florio
06-10-2009, 12:40 PM
Once again with the arrival of the warm weather and especially the humidity I'm plagued with annoying bugs in my wood shop.

I've posted about this last summer too, as soon as it turns cool they go away but for now they are everywhere in my shop which is an attached garage. They are very small and don't seem to cause problems but I wish I could get rid of them. Because of them, I can't bring anything inside the house including paperwork for the fear of spreading the problem into the house.

I spoke to an exterminator about them and he wasn't sure what they were. I think they are booklice. In the past I tried using mothballs and even last summer set of a smoke bomb to no avail.

Any experience or thoughts about solving this issue would be appreciated.


Steve Vaughn
06-10-2009, 10:13 PM
Have you tried contacting these folks?



C Scott McDonald
06-10-2009, 10:40 PM
I know your frustration. I don't have those kind of bugs, instead I am lucky enough to have Black Widows. Man, I hate those things. I can't reach any where I havent checked for spiders.

Jamie Cowan
06-10-2009, 10:45 PM
Go to the hardware store, get a broad spectrum pesticide called permethrin. It is in a lot of pesticides, read the labels. Spray the heck out of your shop, and do it again a day later. On the third day, use your shop. You'll live. The bugs won't. Repeat with a once a week to ten day treatment for the rest of the summer. I used to work for a mosquito control company, and that's what we'd use. The boss was only licensed for mosquitoes, but if you called a tick a mosquito, we'd kill it. She had an ethics problem.

Steve Rozmiarek
06-10-2009, 10:55 PM
Go to the hardware store, get a broad spectrum pesticide called permethrin. It is in a lot of pesticides, read the labels. Spray the heck out of your shop, and do it again a day later. On the third day, use your shop. You'll live. The bugs won't. Repeat with a once a week to ten day treatment for the rest of the summer. I used to work for a mosquito control company, and that's what we'd use. The boss was only licensed for mosquitoes, but if you called a tick a mosquito, we'd kill it. She had an ethics problem.

I'd use a product called Tempo. It's good stuff, labeled for restaurants. The active ingredient has something to do with chrysanthimun flowers. Has a longer residual than permethrin, and is labed safe to pets and humans as soon as it drys. Will wipe out spiders for weeks. Even black widows.:D I can't remember the name of the active ingredient off the top of my head, but if you are curious, I'll go look it up.

Stephen Tashiro
06-10-2009, 11:05 PM
According to this link:
you could use a dehumidifier and get rid of them. Does the shop's roof leak?

Philip Florio
06-10-2009, 11:39 PM
Thanks for the help, I'll look for these chemicals tomorrow. the shop is a two car garage and would be expensive to run a dehumidifier. There are no leaks from the ceiling.
