View Full Version : Latest Pen Production

Mike Marmon
06-09-2009, 1:41 PM

Here is a colletion of pens that I have worked on over the last month of so. The Pen and Pencil were a graduation present for a friends daughter. They are slim lines with Violet inlace blanks from Rockler.

The next set are seven slim lines that I completed for my wife's uncle. He worked as a volunteer at a librady in Northern California. He was in the process of making a batch of pens for all the other volunteers, when he passed away. I was only too happy to finish them for him. They are from left to right, Cherry w/Mahogany stain, Lace Wood, Myrtle, Cherry, Mahogany/Maple, Lace Wood/Cherry & Myrtle.

The last picture is a bunch of Sierra's. From Left to right, Cherry, Buckeye Burl, Curly Bubinga.

Thanks for looking.

Bernie Weishapl
06-09-2009, 5:32 PM
Great looking pens Mark. Really like the first ones but kinda partial to Sierra's.

Billy Tallant
06-09-2009, 5:35 PM
Great looking pens... But I'm like Bernie, I'm partial to the Sierra pens.:)

Brian McInturff
06-09-2009, 6:24 PM
Shoot Mike, you've got a pen bonanza going on there.
Partial to Sierras too.

Steve Schlumpf
06-10-2009, 8:16 AM
Very nice work on everything Mark! Really like the purple inlace just cause they are so different! I am sure the young lady loved them!

Hey - good on you for stepping up and finishing your Uncle's gifts! Very nice work! I am sure everyone were thrilled to received them!

Chris Rae
06-10-2009, 9:57 AM
Nice looking pens, good job.

Brian George
06-10-2009, 10:30 AM
Great looking pens-A real treasure for many years to come..

Aaron Wingert
06-10-2009, 10:38 AM
I really like the Sierras...Very nice job.