View Full Version : New Granite Base for Ribbon

Richard Madison
06-08-2009, 10:45 PM
This little ribbon form was posted at least a year ago (I think), but at the time it was just laying there. Having not sold for the $100,000 I wanted (these things are a lotta work), it came home the other day, just in time to try out a new granite base. I kinda like it with the base, and plan to raise the price about 25%. For ref. it's oak from pallets and walnut, about 7"x7"x14-1/2". Getting harder to find good pallets. Comments/critiques are welcome.

Brian McInturff
06-08-2009, 10:51 PM
I think the 4th piece down on the left came from one of my pallets. I want it back. Or you can keep it for $5,000:D

Seriously, that is an awesome piece. No more bowls than I turn out that would take me at least 6 months to make;). It's a way cool piece and the granite is a nice touch!

Norm Zax
06-09-2009, 4:48 AM
Very impressive. Is that granite from a steel city lathe base (we're all wise cracks, arent we?). How did you attach the piece? Just curious. Now, have a small gold plate etched with the word Praying Mantis and your name, and affix to base.
Well done!

alex carey
06-09-2009, 6:08 AM
I'm still not sure how you make that, its very cool though.

Bernie Weishapl
06-09-2009, 9:43 AM
Impressive and beautiful Richard.

Richard Madison
06-09-2009, 9:56 AM
Thanks guys. Best deal I found on granite was a set of 1-1/4"x4"x4" coasters from an outfit in nearby Fredricksburg. He would probably cut them any size, so may get some larger ones. Drilled 3/8" hole in center, 1" deep. with masonry bit. Very slow going. Set 3/8" steel "post" in epoxy in granite. Drilled 3/8" hole in wood block, sanded to fit curvature of ribbon, painted and glued to ribbon. Lots of "fiddling" to get it all to fit properly, but turned out reasonably well.

Alex, this one is made from three compound stave "bowls", turned to be as identical as posssible, cut in half and reassembled. The tricky part is clamping the pieces when gluing back together.

Jarrod McGehee
06-09-2009, 8:50 PM
I just don't see how that would sell for $100,000! it's nice and all but I guess you gotta just find the right person

Richard Madison
06-09-2009, 10:40 PM
Just kidding Jarrod. Actually it was quite modestly priced and still did not sell, so it is back home from the gallery for now.

Steve Schlumpf
06-10-2009, 8:11 AM
Richard - the new base works well with your sculpture! Hope it adds just enough that it sells! Cool idea - very nice work!

Richard Madison
06-10-2009, 4:47 PM
Thanks Steve.