View Full Version : Shop Pencil

Greg Just
06-08-2009, 4:43 PM
Any ideas on how to get one of the shop pencils apart? I don't like the way the middle lines up. One of the bearings must not have been seated right and the pencil doesn't line up in the middle. I didn't notice until after it was fully assembled.

Paul Atkins
06-09-2009, 12:51 AM
Huh? My favorite shop pencil is the Ticonderoga #3.

Jim McFarland
06-09-2009, 10:36 AM
Sorry, no idea, but you could join the penturners forum (IAP) if you're not yet a member and post the question there. Bunch of helpful folks there, too (and lots of beautiful pens!). Google "penturners" to find the site.

PS Lots of recommendations on IAP for the Harbor Freight transfer punch set as a low cost disassembly kit.

Chris Stolicky
06-09-2009, 12:13 PM
I am assuming you are referring to one of the "toolbox" pencils.

You could attempt one of the transfer punches.

I did take one apart once. Here is what I did - with the risk of breaking the barrel.

I put half of it in my bench vice, that has leather pads. Don't crank it down too tight or you could break it. I then pulled up and wiggled it back and forth to work it apart.

This worked, but it was certainly risky. Note, I have also done this with transmission and slimlines that were pushed in too far.

Good luck.

jason lambert
06-09-2009, 1:35 PM
I am not fimilar with them but to take appart pens I use a HF transfer punch set usally holding the barrel in my hand and a hammer in the other. You do risk damageing the barrel but I have taken apart about 20 pens with no problmes.