View Full Version : Turned Chinaberry?

Judy Kingery
06-07-2009, 12:16 PM
Hello, just curious if anyone has turned any Chinaberry? We had a huge wind storm last night and my husband and the power company are currently taking down a huge half section of tree that fell across the power lines. Any good to turn? Just wondered!


Don Carter
06-07-2009, 12:52 PM
I have rough turned some Chinaberry bowls. They are in the drying process now. The wood was easy to turn and has a reddish brown color with some light sap wood. I have a log that a friend gave me.
Give a shot. See what you think.

bob edwards
06-07-2009, 1:50 PM
Chinaberry is in the Mahogony family. A little softer and can have some interesting grain. Checks easly when green if not protected.

robert hainstock
06-07-2009, 2:22 PM
But some are better than others. good luck with yours, and remember to post the pictures.. :)

Bernie Weishapl
06-07-2009, 6:45 PM
I have turned chinaberry and it really turns nice. Has some good color to it. Some that I turned had spalting and really looked good.

Allen Neighbors
06-07-2009, 8:37 PM
Chinaberry -The tree grows berries in clusters (3 or 4 berries) that are yellow/red. The chinaberry that I've turned is very light yellowish, with grain sort of like ash, but with the smooth texture of Bois d'Arc. Cuts like butter, sands the same way. Wonderful wood to turn.
Hackberry - This tree grows berries also, one to the stem, that are green/black. It's sometimes mistaken for chinaberry, and the wood is different than the chinaberry. I've not turned very much of it, but it had some brownish tints to it. It's not as nice to turn as Chinaberry. Just my .02

Judy Kingery
06-07-2009, 8:57 PM
Thank you, gentlemen, indeed. This is, well we just sectioned it off; it's a light weight wood, pinkish hue to it. Has tons of berries, pretty blossums on the spring, but a pain to clean up all the berries. I'll do that, turn a bit and see, we saved some of the logs out.

Thanks! PS, I'll post a pic if I can turn something interesting, appreciate the information and tips!
