View Full Version : First acrylic pens

Aaron Wingert
06-06-2009, 11:36 PM
I turned my first two acrylic pens today. I like big fat hefty pens, hence the diameter.
Not too sure I love the white one, but I like the black one for sure.
I've done a couple dozen various wooden pens but I was intimidated by acrylic until I got done rounding the first blank. Nothing to it at all...I've been missing out by not using this stuff from time to time.
Critiques welcome!

Norm Zax
06-07-2009, 3:41 AM
I also like them chubby. Good work!

Horst Hohoff
06-07-2009, 3:43 AM
I, too, like acrylic pens, and I too prefer the black one, although I nearly didn't see it on the foto. Both look well made, but for me the lower parts, especially of the black one, are a bit too convex. Slightly slimmer and they would look more elegant too me.

jack richington
06-07-2009, 7:27 AM
they look fine to me..I make many for people with arthritis or other hand problems..bigger can be better

Bernie Weishapl
06-07-2009, 9:51 AM
Really nice looking pens. Well done.

Steve Schlumpf
06-07-2009, 10:13 AM
Really good looking pens Aaron! Nice style to them and they sure look like they would be comfortable to use! Nice work!

Chris Haas
06-07-2009, 12:39 PM
going to make pens for fathersday, what kit is that i really like it. also, how did you finish the acrilic? just mm or a ca finish too. havent made a pen yet so please use small words. thanks.

Aaron Wingert
06-07-2009, 3:17 PM
Chris, I'd suggest starting with wood on your first couple pens unless you're an experienced turner. Acrylic isn't necessarily difficult but it is a bit trickier than wood. Gotta take small bites with very sharp tools and you have to make sure not to let it get too hot when sanding.

The hardware is woodcraft's premier cigar pen kit. $7-$10 depending on the finish.

The gloss finish is obtained by sanding all the way up to 800 grit and using Hut plastic polish (twice) to finish it off. That stuff is magic!

John W Dixon
06-07-2009, 6:36 PM
Nice looking pens. i haven't turned any acrylic yet. I kind of fancy myself as a wood snob. However I have been looking at some acrylics in school colors for my son's football coach.
