View Full Version : Walnut and Gold

George Morris
06-06-2009, 5:45 PM
Here is a picture of a Walnut Platter and Gold leaf on edge. 14" round this is a new experiment with the gold leaf! I will do more kind of interesting! Comments welcome! George

Mark Norman
06-06-2009, 5:50 PM
I love the gold band around the perimeter George!

What did you finish it with?

Great pic and presentation as well!!

George Morris
06-06-2009, 6:03 PM
Thanks Mark I used bush oil and beal buff the wood only I was not ready to buff the gold leaf! G

Jeff Nicol
06-06-2009, 6:20 PM
George, To me the gold rim is to much, maybe a small cove or groove or 2 around the rim to break up the gold and let some more of the walnut show through. The total size kind of gets lost with all the gold on the rim. Just a thought.


Bernie Weishapl
06-06-2009, 6:36 PM
That is a good looking platter. I would have put one thin strip or maybe two thin strips instead of the full band but that is just me.

David Walser
06-06-2009, 7:11 PM

The gold leaf adds a touch of elegance and frames the walnut nicely. Well done.

Paul Gallian
06-06-2009, 7:19 PM
I like the broad band of gold. Of course I asked my wife's opinion before posting this.. :) :) :D

Steve Schlumpf
06-06-2009, 7:46 PM
George - very interesting embellishment! This works! Not sure if it would work better if it were a thinner band but I think your idea is a winner! Very nice work! Great looking platter! Thanks for sharing!

George Morris
06-06-2009, 8:00 PM
Well I think that my next one will have a cove between the flat of the edge and the body. Then gold leaf in the cove? My wife likes this one but she is easily pleased she married me!!
Thanks for the comments it is always good to bounce some new ideas of other Men!!!
My next project is to do some piercings and color on a bowl,I have to give it a try looks cool when I have seen it in person,keep the comments coming!! Thanks!! George

Phillip Bogle
06-06-2009, 9:33 PM
I like the work. To me the thin line vs. broad band is the same as glossy vs satin finish. Sort of preference issue.

You could tell everyone this version is a prototype for church offering plates -- you know to sort of set the mood -- no trivial amounts here.:D

Nice work.

Ron Bontz
06-06-2009, 9:49 PM
Gold and walnut or gold and cherry look great together. I would agree with Jeff though. I think I would prefer a small beaded edge of walnut around the outer edge. But it is a preference. BTW, I e-mailed a gold leaf company some time back in regards to what finish to use over the gold leaf. For what it is worth, they recommended Shellac because it was natural.

06-06-2009, 10:37 PM
That's very impressive and I like it alot just the way it is. I have been thinking of using gold leaf and have some questions. Where'd you get the gold leaf? How easy/difficult is it to do and was this your 1st time? About how much time did it add to this project. I've been thinking of using gold leaf on a finial for a hollowed form and wonder if it would be possible to gold leaf something without a flat surface. Congrats on stretching and trying something new.

Jarrod McGehee
06-07-2009, 3:43 AM
nice idea but like others have already touched on, while it is somewhat preference, I do believe that it would probably look nicer with a thinner band of gold. Great idea though and keep up the creative thinking. good stuff

George Morris
06-07-2009, 8:36 PM
Answer to questions This was my first time I used a gold leaf kit from a local craft store. Added about a hour to the work. I will try this again with a smaller rim or decoration.
Thanks for all the comments as a side note I did a local town art show today sold a few pieces and got 1st place in wood category!