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Angus Hines
06-05-2009, 2:00 PM
So just went and got the Quit Smoking pill Chantrix! Just curious if anybody has usecd it and what their biggest hurdle was with it? And DID it work?

Cliff Rohrabacher
06-05-2009, 2:11 PM
I quit using the old fashioned method.
Took me several tries.
Finally my first born coming along was plenty of motivation.

Don Jarvie
06-05-2009, 3:00 PM
Read the information the pharmacy gives you and if you experience any side effects let you doctor know.

James Stokes
06-05-2009, 3:04 PM
I used it, the biggest problem I found was the price. It does stop the desire to smoke and the first 3 days I started taking it I was extremely irritable but that only lasted about 3 days. Your dreams can become very vivid but I take so many meds I already have that problem so really did not notice any difference there. Chantrix works on the pleasure spots in the brain so for me it also killed the pleasure sensations of sex. But again I take a lot of meds every day so combined with those that could have been the reason. I take 100 mg of Vicodan, 30 mg of valium, 6o mg of flexerill, 400 mg of Hydroxine pamoate which is another tranquilizer, 400 mg of gabepentin plus blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds.Plus a couple more as needed. So it is hard for me to be real acurate on the side affects for me.

Don Jarvie
06-05-2009, 3:12 PM
The biggest issue has been suicidal thoughts and behavior, ie trying it. There have been a small amount of cases, but enough for FDA to take notice.

So be aware that not "feeling right" may have something to do with the pill and not quitting. So don't ignore any mental symptoms and let you doctor know.

David G Baker
06-05-2009, 3:51 PM
One of the things that I found helped me the most was never carry my cigarettes on me. Make it inconvenient to get to your smokes, for example leave them in your vehicle so you will have to go outside to get to them. Humans are basically lazy and if we have to work to do something we know we shouldn't be doing we may find it easier not to do it. Stop putting them in your shirt pocket, took me a long time to quit reaching for my pocket.
I quit with out any assistance other than a self hypnosis tape after 10 years of wanting and trying to quit. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-05-2009, 3:54 PM
The biggest issue has been suicidal thoughts and behavior, ie trying it. There have been a small amount of cases, but enough for FDA to take notice.

So be aware that not "feeling right" may have something to do with the pill and not quitting. So don't ignore any mental symptoms and let you doctor know.

I stopped using the Equate version of nicotene laced gum.

A friend tried the Chantrix and got off it for the above reasons.

Adam Wissman
06-05-2009, 4:07 PM
my father used it and he was very happy with it. he said it worked extremely well. he hasnt smoked since.

Steve Southwood
06-06-2009, 8:48 AM
Be careful with it. I older friend of mine commited sucide while using it. Don't know if that was the cause, but happened no the less.

Bruce Volden
06-06-2009, 9:58 AM
I used it for about 3 weeks (much better than Zyban). Then I started having "panic" attacks in my sleep-----so I quit them and started back on the butts. I took Zyban a couple years back and that stuff SUCKED!!~couldn't sleep, constant dry mouth, zombie me out.

April 1 of this year smokes went up $1.00+ so I through them away and haven't had one since!!!!! I bought a box of OTC off name nicotine lozenges at that time for the "joneses" and ran out of them a couple weeks ago!!! No sense in replacing one bad habit with another:o I'm thinking this time I may make it.


Angus Hines
06-06-2009, 12:18 PM
Well with all this new information I guess I'll be waiting to start these when the other half returns from Boston in 2 weeks.

Eric Larsen
06-06-2009, 12:27 PM
When I quit, the only thing that worked for me was "cold turkey." Patch made me sick, gum made me sicker.

Also, I tried as much as possible to "embrace" my withdrawl symptoms as a sign that it was working.

I read somewhere that you get far fewer cravings if you exercise, particularly swimming. (How do you light up while swimming, duh?)

Feel a craving? Go for a walk.

Ronald Nelson
06-06-2009, 12:39 PM
Be very careful with that stuff. I tried it and things got weird in a hurry. If you have any history of depression, do not take it, period.

Make sure you research this drug on the web so if you have side effects you'll know it's the Chantix and not from lack of nicotine.

Good Luck.


jerry nazard
06-06-2009, 5:42 PM
I took it for 4 weeks and stopped smoking. REALLY WEIRD DREAMS!!!!! The dreams lasted for 6 - 8 months after I stopped taking it.

Angus Hines
06-06-2009, 6:38 PM
Ahhhhhmmmm, It's starting to sound like smoking may be healthier for me :eek:

David G Baker
06-06-2009, 6:42 PM
If you are one of those that may be prone to offing yourself, smoking just may be a lot safer, healthier and slower way to do it. :D

Larry Edgerton
06-07-2009, 7:11 AM
I took it for about a week and it was screwing with my head bad. Concentration was affected, and I just felt like I was stoned all of the time. Then I cut my finger off, and quit taking it.

While I was laid up I just said to myself "Bullship, I am not going to let cigarettes have power over me" and I quit without help, because in the end it will be just you and a pack of cigarettes. Use the money aspect to motovate yourself as well. And as a non smoker now I am embarasses that that is the way I used to smell. Smokers stink!

I took a different approach. I carried a pack with me all the time and made it a point that I was not going to be an addict.

Its been over two years now, but my finger has still not grown back?

Rich Stewart
06-09-2009, 2:18 PM
Here is what I did. I told EVERYBODY I was quitting. Had to stick with it because I didn't want everybody thinking I was a weenie with no willpower. Just quit! Forget the help aids. Just do it!