View Full Version : Oak burl sets finished

Jack Mincey
06-05-2009, 8:41 AM
Here are several pictures of the oak burl nested sets with 5 to 6 coats of waterlox on them. This is the largest set, the largest bowl of this set is right at 17" in dia.
This is what the burl looks like in all the bowls.
The grain in the largest bowl is neat where the trunk grew into the burl.

Ted Calver
06-05-2009, 8:44 AM
What a beautiful set!!! Having wrestled with my coring system and lost, I really appreciate the skill it takes to do what you have done--very nice!!!

Jack Mincey
06-05-2009, 8:48 AM
Here are a few pictures of a small nested set from the same burl.
This last picture is of my turning shop, that I just finished painting between the rain showers we have been having.

Steve Schlumpf
06-05-2009, 8:58 AM
Beautiful bowl sets Jack - they sure finished up nice!

Great looking shop! I like the idea of having easy access for hauling wood in and out! Can be a challenge when your shop is in the basement!

Nathan Hawkes
06-05-2009, 9:21 AM
Wow, these are beautiful! I assume these were cored out with the Oneway easy corer?? Question for you; I'm thinking of getting an Easy Corer myself, as I'm finding coring large blanks with the McNaughton a bit daunting. From what I hear a binding catch is pretty much impossible with the easy corer??

Bernie Weishapl
06-05-2009, 9:27 AM
Beautiful bowls Jack. Really nice set. I did like you and cut a big garage door in my shop. Sure does make bringing in wood a lot easier.

Scott Lux
06-05-2009, 9:37 AM

Barry Richardson
06-05-2009, 9:44 AM
That's a beautiful and impressive set! I'd say you got your money's worth out of that burl. Very envious of your turning shop too!

Jack Mincey
06-05-2009, 9:56 AM
Thanks everyone. The Garage doors not only make it easy to get large blanks rolled in on a hand truck, they also made it posible for me to roll my trailer into the shop with my lathe and then my tablesaw on it. I was then able to pick each one up off the trailer using a chain hoist and roll the trailer out from under and set them both down, by my self. It also gives me enough room for the out feed of my table saw when sawing long boards. Nathan, These where cored using the oneway system. It is very easy to use, but you can still get a catch. It doesn't happen much and isn't a big deal when it does. The system is so strong that it usually just stalls the lathe down. I have had a couple break the foot off the blank being cored, but they stay on the lathe since I had the tail stock against the blank as well. These catches are usually the result of a void in the wood or a very different denisity in one spot. I just try to go very slow when I hit a spot like this and get through them with little problem at all.

Dick Strauss
06-05-2009, 10:05 AM
Now I'm doubly jealous...a beautiful cored set of bowls and a dedicated shop. Well done sir. They both look great!:D

Bill Bolen
06-05-2009, 12:53 PM
Beautiful set of cored bowls Jack and a great looking shop to boot! That Oneway in the back looks pretty hefty too...Bill...

alex carey
06-05-2009, 3:24 PM
WOW, that is a really nice nested set, great job on it. Beautiful wood.

Brian McInturff
06-05-2009, 7:13 PM
I'm not sure which to say WOW about first. The beautiful bowls or the awesome shop.WOW WOW!!

Mike Minto
06-05-2009, 7:26 PM
musta beena hellava burl - fantastic set! how was coring that burl? how large/heavy was it?

Marc Himes
06-05-2009, 7:28 PM
What a beautiful set of bowls! Well done.

Marc Himes

Chris Rae
06-05-2009, 7:31 PM
What a gorgeous and impressive set! Those are just awesome! Thanks for showing us and congrats on the shop.

Jack Mincey
06-05-2009, 9:06 PM
Thanks again for the compliments everyone. I have another burl spoted that should have some bowls in it that look like these. Mike, I didn't weigh this burl because it weighed more than any scales we had. Two strong men could just left it off the ground. The guy that gave it to me had to use a track hoe to load it. I would say it had to weigh over 400 pounds. Here is a picture I posted of the burl a while back.

John W Dixon
06-05-2009, 11:32 PM
The sets of bowls are just quite simply gorgeous! Very nice job on them. The shop is looking pretty awesome too.


jack richington
06-06-2009, 5:04 AM
how lovely..one of the prettiest sets I've seen in a long while CONGRATS:cool:

Jeff Nicol
06-06-2009, 5:21 AM
Jack, With the finish on the bowls they really show the wonderful grain of the burl! Not sure if you saw the post from Mike Svoma, but he got those 2 giant burls and that is what they look like inside too! Just to bad we got to them about 5 years to late, as lots of the wood is to far gone, but we are getting some nice blanks out of them. So who will these wonderful bowls belong to when you are ready to part with them? Or are they going to a gallery somewhere? No matter they are just awe inspiring and you did a super job at getting everything you could out of the burl!

Thanks for sharing,


Jack Mincey
06-06-2009, 9:04 AM
Thanks again. Jeff, I did watch the thread on the large oak burl you and Mike got a few weeks back. I have sold the heck out of turkey and crow calls over the last few years, but have not sold a single bowl as of yet. There have been a lot of gifts to family, Friends, and my son's teachers. I have a place that will start selling my bowls this July, when they move into a larger store. The store is in a small tourist town that has dozens of high end golf communities, so I hope to get a good price on this set. I hope to buy a nice bandsaw with the money from the larger set. My wife is getting the smaller 4 bowl set. Good luck on your burl, it shoud prove to be worth the effort you have in it.

Greg Just
06-06-2009, 9:09 AM
beautiful bowls - nice job. Nice looking shop too - my dream is to someday move out of the basement!

Bob Hallowell
06-06-2009, 9:32 AM
Jack that's a beautiful set. the shop looks preety good too!

Cindy Navarro
06-06-2009, 10:56 AM
The bowls are really beautiful, but it is the shop that I am most covetous of wanting. Both real purty.

Alan Huey
06-06-2009, 11:37 AM
Beautiful set!