View Full Version : How much weight?

Jim Underwood
06-04-2009, 11:47 PM
How much weight do I need to add to my Jet 1642 EVS 2Hp?

I've done a bit of searching and I don't see recommendations, although I see a lot of ballast boxes filled with sand.

I'm thinking of building a sturdy plywood box and filling it with bags of sand from the store just around the corner. I can get river sand fairly cheap there. He fills the truck bed with the loader... :D

Now if I can just find bags to put the sand in...

And how would you construct a the box for that purpose?

Scott Conners
06-05-2009, 12:10 AM
Jim, most building supply places sell (empty) sandbags, which are tough and cheap.
I'd put 2x lumber across the stretcher spots on the legs, then put a plywood box on top of them.

alex carey
06-05-2009, 12:43 AM
more weight the better, really depends on how big you are going to be turning, but I would think 300 pounds is a good start.

Jim Sebring
06-05-2009, 1:20 AM
bolt the hummer to the floor. I could be wrong (I was once) , but I think the weight of the earth will exceed anything you can put in a ballast box ;)

Burt Alcantara
06-05-2009, 9:04 AM
Lyle Jamieson recommends putting an out of round blank on the lathe then spinning it up just to the point of vibration. At that point, reset the levelers on the lathe until the vibration goes away. Using this method you may find you don't need ballast at all.

I've not tried this on my MM yet but it does make sense. I've also not added any ballast either.

Steve Schlumpf
06-05-2009, 9:11 AM
Jim - I've never seen any recommended weights for ballast either. The box I built holds 7 bags of quick-crete and while it holds the lathe down to the floor pretty good - I still get vibration with out-of-round blanks. Will have to give Burt's suggestion of adjusting levelers a try!

Jim Underwood
06-05-2009, 9:14 AM
The lathe is pretty level now... I've done it twice. I just don't want it walking across the floor with an out of balance blank.

I got that 15-1/2 inch Red Oak Crotch platter blank up there last night and it was slow going until I got the highspots off the second side....:(

Steve Schlumpf
06-05-2009, 9:18 AM
Jim - the box I built holds 280 pounds of quick-crete and the lathe does not move. It shakes with something out-of-round but I can adjust the speed and take care of that. I did have to move the lathe away from the wall once - after building the box - and had to use a jack!

Burt Alcantara
06-05-2009, 9:21 AM
Did you try Lyle's method? I've leveled my lathe but it still takes a hike even with small blanks when I get close to vibration. In fact, my lathe vibrates at around 600+ on some small blanks. Of course, once they are rounded I can go to warp 9.

Yet, my lathe is dead on level. So, Lyle's method will be the next technique I'll try.

Bernie Weishapl
06-05-2009, 9:22 AM
Jim I have about 320 lbs on mine and it doesn't move. If I put a big out of balance piece on it will viberate some but speed takes care of that.

curtis rosche
06-05-2009, 9:29 AM
why not anchor it to the floor?

Dick Strauss
06-05-2009, 10:15 AM
You don't want your lathe bolted to the floor. You's rather have the lathe move than have castings and bearings take the abuse of being confined IMHO.

I made a plywood box that has 300 lbs of sand in it for my Delta 1440. It has a modified reeves drive but will still vibrate plenty with an out of balance piece turning at the wrong speed. Even a 600-650# PM3520 will vibrate with the wrong piece at the wrong speed.