View Full Version : Whimsical magazine rack

Julian Nicks
06-04-2009, 10:57 AM
Life has been dealing me lemons as of late, and I needed a project to ease my mind. I opted for a project that could be finished in a day, and would be something fun to build. This was the result. I built it out of some choice scrap tiger maple, a 10x16 piece of 8/4 african mahogany, and a small piece of ebony for the bottom of the feet. The dovetails are handcut, and I must say that the mahogany is very brittle. It would explode then I struck the chisel with a mallet. I had a splinter in my face to prove it... The finish is BLO, with a few coats of beeswax.

I wanted to give the straight forward design of the box something to lighten its look, so I drew up a few designs for the feet. The final design was inspired by my cousins artistic style. His artwork draws on urban graffiti style, so I envisioned this piece to look as if it had real feet. The final design looks as if it should have arms sticking out of the side, and a face on the front, as if it was in Alice in Wonderland.

John Thompson
06-04-2009, 12:57 PM
Excellent job constructing and a very unique design of form. I like it quite a bit.


Terry Achey
06-05-2009, 9:27 PM
Beautiful wood, Julian and the feet are really cool! nice work.


John Keeton
06-06-2009, 7:37 AM
Julian, first I hope your lemons turn to oranges and things level out for you.

On the box, I really like this one! I am not into whimsical, but I wouldn't classify this as that. It really does have a nice feel to it, and the legs are very balanced and artistic. They add significantly to the piece. The woods are very complimentary, and add to the uniqueness of the design.

Great little project!

mike holden
06-06-2009, 8:26 AM
Now that is a neat foot design!

Lots of thought and creativity here.

Well done!


Phil Thien
06-06-2009, 8:29 AM
Outstanding piece. Incredible creativity.

Jacob Mac
06-06-2009, 4:03 PM
I like whimsy, and that box is beautiful. And I can relate to having your shop serve as a refuge sometimes I think it is the best part of our hobby.

Jeffrey Makiel
06-06-2009, 8:42 PM
I second all the comments above. Nice work!
-Jeff :)

Zach England
06-07-2009, 12:27 PM
Cool. Can you talk about how you cut the feet?

Julian Nicks
06-07-2009, 3:11 PM
I cut them using the bandsaw, and alot of hand sanding.

Kevin Rector
06-08-2009, 2:07 AM
That's a really nice looking box! I love the feet.

Mark Versprille
06-08-2009, 7:44 AM
Your Disney reference is spot on. I thought of "Fantasia" when I saw it. Now that I think more on it, this magazine rack could be perfectly cast in "Beauty and the Beast" Old world style, anamorphic detailing. Mrs. Potts would love to dance with it.