View Full Version : Breakfast with fellow Creeker

David Drickhamer
06-02-2009, 11:24 PM
I took part in the pen exchange coordinated by Tom Henry. I was teamed up with two gentlemen that made me fantastic pens. I had the pleasure of meeting one of them for breakfast on monday. Chris Hayes was in Milwaukee for business. It was nice to be able to meet a fellow Creeker, especially one I was in the exchange with.

Steve Schlumpf
06-02-2009, 11:34 PM
Dave - always glad to hear of Creekers getting together! Photos would have been nice - but who carries a camera with them 24/7?

Bill O'Conner
06-02-2009, 11:44 PM
I know Dave, his phone has a pretty good camera built in to it


Mark Norman
06-03-2009, 12:29 AM
David, If yer ever in California, we'll do lunch:)

alex carey
06-03-2009, 2:36 AM
Good to hear it, next time atleast one picture is mandatory.

David Drickhamer
06-03-2009, 1:59 PM
You guys are right. No pictures, it didn't happen. I think Chris is still in town so will see if we can get together again tomorrow for coffee and maybe get a pic.
No pics, it didn't happen? Then how did those nice pen blanks get in the back of my car. :)

Bernie Weishapl
06-03-2009, 6:26 PM
David always good to get together with another turner. Glad you were able to.

Chris Hayes
06-05-2009, 11:44 AM
Dave -- (and everyone else)

I thought it was great to have spent the morning with you on Monday. I got 3 really nice things done before my coworkers landed in Milwaukee and all heck broke loose. (well...as much as accountants and geeks can get out of control)

I'm looking forward to trying Dave's secret technique on doing a CA finish. I'm going to be playing with some wood that I bought from Joel Lawson on ebay (I've VERY much looking forward to playing with this...)

Believe it or not -- and I didn't think of this until after I was taking a picture later Monday Night --or a house I lived in while I lived in Milwaukee-- _I_ had a camera and could have had someone snap a pic. Oh well. I know I'll be back. This project is just getting going and will take a while to complete.

For those who don't already know -- putting 2 woodworkers together to 'have a cup of coffee' -- really means 'there will be lots of talking and the $1.25 paid for coffee will mean a loss for the restaurant.'

Anyone in the Indianapolis area, I'd be glad to get together too...if you're attending a class at MASW -- that's really not that far and I (and my enabler) don't mind the drive at all. Please drop me a note if you're interested.

and Yes --as soon as I can, I'll do a more formal introduction and post some pics of stuff I've turned (I'm no where near what Steve S is in quality, but I have fun).


David Drickhamer
06-05-2009, 10:27 PM
It was great getting together with Chris. Bill's post reminded me I do have a good camera in my phone but was having too much fun to think about it. Next time you're in town we'll do a picture. The next time Bill would like to join in. Wow, three Creekers in one place, that will call for a picture. Anyone else in the Milwaukee area is welcome to kill a few pots of coffee with us too.

Chris, if my CA finish was a secret I wouldn't have showed it to you. :cool:
Ask 100 people how to do a CA finish and you'll probably get 100 different methods.
