View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-01-2009, 8:18 AM
1 Jun 2009

Good Morning,
Well, things are drying out nicely here and the garden plants are turning from sick yellow color to a nice healthy green. A good thing to see.

Worked at the day job this weekend as well as played bass at church and then went to my youngest son's class graduation from 6th grade class into the Jr. High/Sr. High group at church.

Woodworking wise? The LOML volunteered me to make a bunkbed for her sister's daughter. Seems as she has this "American Girl" doll and they couldn't afford the $100 to buy her a doll bed and I was asked to make her one. Long story short is that I'm in the process of making her one out of Black Walnut and will be shipping the bunkbed to her in about 1 week.

Other than that, it's been cutting grass when the lawn is dry enough, work at the day job so I can keep paying bills and feeding the family.....and....the LOML and I have been learning about upholstery so we can start doing upholstery. Not for furniture I design but also for repairs and reupholstering pieces for people. The driver for this is that we now 3 piece of furniture that needs reupholstering and it's furniture we love...so it's time to work on those later this year.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

John Shuk
06-01-2009, 8:52 AM
No woodworking this weekend but I did buy some lumber for a garden bed I'll be building in my spare time this week.
Had a very cool weekend though. Friday night I was in town with a couple of friends and we went to see a great band playing Grateful Dead tunes which I enjoyed. Mikey from Orange County Choppers was hanging out and I got to chat with him for a while. Down to earth guy. Sat was a kids birthday party at a local lake and my son caught lots of reptiles and amphibians to show the other kids. Think 8 year old Steve Irwin here. He caught a gorgeous northern water snake and fed it a tadpole while all the kids (adults too) watched fascinated. It was a very nice weekend all in all.

Matt Brawley
06-01-2009, 9:00 AM
I didn't get any projects done, but I got my new Unisaw and got it tuned up, which included wiring a new circuit in my garage for it. I also came to the conclusion after working for 2 days in 90+ heat that I needed to air condition the garage.

Jim O'Dell
06-01-2009, 9:07 AM
Sat. was home mainenance day. Mowed the yard and blew the Pecan tree "flowers" off the roof. Sunday I decided to install a set of speakers in my van that I had just put off doing. Moved the tweeters up higher in the door, and started prepping for the 4" mids to go in the knee bolsters under the dash. Got one cut, went to start on the second one. Got the plastic panel cut, then pulled the metal dash piece off to do. Had it braced against the pole on the drill press, but it still bit me. One hour at the Doc in a Box, the 4 hours at the ER. I mashed/cut an artery in the left pinky, right at the first joint. Had a little squirter there a couple times when the Docs were looking at it.
Didn't sleep well last night, but it's only 5 stitches. I think the mashing part of it hurts more than the actual cut. So be careful!! Jim.

Jim Becker
06-01-2009, 9:37 AM
Equestrian activities, replacing some leaking hydraulic hoses on the tractor's loader and a whole lot of weeding, planting and mulching made up my weekend.

Narayan Nayar
06-01-2009, 5:02 PM
In the shop: took the ol' blower and blew out the dust. Should have done that weeks ago. Cut some bowl blanks from the tree in the backyard, turned another bowl, fixed a neighbor's broken wooden statuette, glued up some purpleheart and maple for a few new turning tool handles,

Out of the shop: took the family to dinner a couple of times, went to the Maker Faire (http://www.makerfaire.com/) with the family, misc. errands and lots of kid time.

Busy weekend but a great one.

Hope you heal up quickly, Jim.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-01-2009, 5:19 PM
Worked on the wife's table on Saturday turning 4 spindles for the "bird cage". Sunday, more work on the table and trimmed and mowed the yard. Finished another book.

Matt Meiser
06-01-2009, 8:06 PM
We went for our first camping trip of the season, to East Harbor State Park across the Bay from Sandusky, OH.

Dan Gill
06-02-2009, 10:30 AM
I ripped and crosscut some old 2 x 8s to a better size for the top of a wedding pergola I'm making for my son and his intended. I also glued up and cut out two Texas-shaped cutting boards. I haven't been in the shop much in the past year. Looks like that may come to an end soon.