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View Full Version : Student Work Desk

Arvin Brown
08-16-2004, 3:20 PM
I am looking for plans for a desk for my 15 year old daughter. Looking for something that has pedestles on both sides of the desk. Each pedestel should have a file drawer plus 1-2 other drawers. Should also contain a center drawer. Table top will be about 46" wide x 28" deep (or thereabouts). I would like to make out of hard maple. What do you have?

Jim Becker
08-16-2004, 5:27 PM
As an alternative design for something that can also be used as a table later, I have an article on my site that details a "Shaker style student desk". It's not the pedestal design you are asking for, but could be of interest to your daughter if alternative storage methods can be employed. In some respects, a pedestal design can be limiting to comfort and with the top dimension you're looking for the knee well will be "mighty narrow". For a double pedestal design, you really probably need to go wider design or thereabouts for comfort. It's also a good idea to consder technology needs...if a computer is involved, than a keyboard drawer is an important ergonmetric element to insure that the hands are at a proper and comfortable height for typing. Table tops are usually too high for that. Those are my thoughts. Hopefully they will be useful, even if to confirm your desired design.

Chris Messier
08-16-2004, 9:22 PM
There are a number of ways to accomplish this task. I agree with Jim as well. Now if your looking for plans and such there are also a number of places to find links to free plans. You can visit my site at http://members.cox.net/messman123/messman.htm

or some of these fine sites as well

I have a number of other sites running around here some place. If you need more links let me know. Look for a few designs that have features that you like and go with one of them or incorporate the design features from a number of the plans to create your own.