View Full Version : Why I am get this messages?

henry kemp
05-29-2009, 7:19 AM
I am facing this message for 3 days. When I tried to log in I face this message:
"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:"

What is the reason behind this message. It is so frustrating for me.
last time, I'll try to Login tomorrow, If I face this message again I never open in this forum in future and also remove it from my bookmark.

Got It...:mad::mad::mad:

Jim Kountz
05-29-2009, 7:54 AM
Its because you're not a contributor. Access to some parts of Sawmill Creek is for paid contributors only. You have basic membership which limits the parts of the forum you can use.
Its only $6 a year to join and the benefits are many.