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View Full Version : Have you had any experience with Paintball paint?

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-28-2009, 10:22 PM
The location where I'm opening a turning teaching studio was formally a Paintball club. Obviously, there is residual paint and ball wax all over the place. I've removed it from everything (By tearing it out and throwing it out) but the t-bar rails in the dropped ceiling. I could replace all the rails, but would like to try cleaning them first.

So far, I have tried, paint thinner, Kaboom, CLR, Goof-off, and Alhcohol. None work hardly at all and remove the white paint of the t-bar rails.

Any help will be appreciated.


David Christopher
05-28-2009, 10:29 PM
why dont you just paint over the rails.......easier than replacing

Ken Fitzgerald
05-28-2009, 10:45 PM

Since the paint is used around humans...is there any chance it's water based and therefore soap and water would clean it off?

May sound stupid I know but that is the first thing that came to mind. Surely those who shoot paintballs don't throw their suits/uniforms out after a hot battle.

Tim Thomas
05-28-2009, 10:56 PM
I have no personal experience with removing paintball paint, but I did find a thread on removing paintball paint from aluminum siding. I would think that would be pretty similar to removing it from painted t-rails. Basically they recommend that you use Simple Green cleaner.


I also found another thread about removing paintball paint from a car. That one recommends using WD-40 after washing with soap and water.


Good luck to you. Sounds like a real mess. :)

John Schreiber
05-29-2009, 10:34 AM
I ate a bit of paintball paint just the other day.

Long story. Doesn't make me look smart. Just take my word for it.

It tasted bad, but I had no ill effects.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-29-2009, 3:14 PM
Thanks for the thoughts.


Robby Jones
05-30-2009, 10:39 PM
Ive shot a few thousand paintballs. The ball makers say that the paint is water based, the bad news is it still stains everything.

Karl Brogger
05-31-2009, 7:49 PM
I'd try a pressure water, more importantly a hot pressure washer. Or just hot water. I know when I used to work for a pig farmer in high school they had a portable unit that heated the water to almost boiling hot.

I've always been able to take off paintball paint with just water, but then I've never had to clean it off after its been sitting for a long time.