View Full Version : Pepper Mills

Brian George
05-28-2009, 8:52 PM
The first two pix is made of local cherry a lady gave me. The pitch pockets really stand out.
The 2nd two pix are of a purpleheart peppermill.
These were taken in my own version of a photo tent. I think I need a tripod and better focus.

Brian George
05-28-2009, 8:53 PM
Please give me some constructive critque...Thanks

Jeff Nicol
05-28-2009, 9:02 PM
Please give me some constructive critque...Thanks
Brian, First you silly goose, make sure you rotate the pictures so they are the right way! Anyway since I have never made a pepper mill I have no idea, but the shape of the cherry one is good (I think I handled that cherry!) The purple heart one is cool I like the old time grinding mechanisim. Definitly a better camera will help, or set the type of light on the camera to the light you are using. Bring the camera over and I can give you some pointers. Anythning from the tree service guy in Chippewa?


Bernie Weishapl
05-28-2009, 10:57 PM
Those are great looking mills. I like'em both.

Steve Schlumpf
05-28-2009, 11:47 PM
Brian - both of your mills look pretty good! A tripod would be a great addition to your photo setup. Lots to learn here - about turning and photography - so if you have any questions.... be sure to ask!

Jim Kountz
05-29-2009, 8:05 AM
I love the old grinder mill, thats just too cool!!
Nice job on both of them!!

Brian George
05-29-2009, 8:25 AM
What would you do to improve the mills?

Brian McInturff
05-29-2009, 8:43 AM
Brian, I'll chime in here. I'm not sure but it looks like there may be some tool marks remaining in both. The pictures are a little blurry so I can't tell for sure. Also, on the first one it looks like you top curve is completely a curve. Looks like it may be a very slight high spot, again though it could just be the lighting. Get some better pics and it'll make it easier to critique. Definitely use a tripod, that'll get rid of the blurriness. I'm no photo buff so I can't offer much advice there. Overall I'd say they are nice. Would love to see better pics. I love the looks of peppermills.

Brian George
05-29-2009, 8:51 AM
The photos wre uploaded correctly-don't understand how they got turned 90degrees. I definitely need a tripod to better focus. Have one coming. Both mills were taken with the same tent-don't understand why one is so yellowish bachground and the other is white as it should be. Maybe placement of floods changed too much. Again, thanks for the input...really appreciate smc

Brian George
05-29-2009, 8:55 AM
Here's the site:

Steve Schlumpf
05-29-2009, 9:10 AM
Brian, it is pretty hard to critique either piece as you can not see a lot of detail. I will agree with Brian Mc on the shape of the top of the cherry mill. The top appears to be angled instead of round - which is OK if that was your design plan. Normally, the tops are rounded over - meaning they have a continuous curve from bottom to top.

As to your photos... I have no idea why the photos would have rotated 90* when uploading. It might have something to do with the fact that you let the SMC software resize the photos for you. You could resize the photos yourself - delete these and upload the new ones.

The background changing colors could be the result of different lighting. Did you use the same lights for both photos?

Brian George
05-29-2009, 9:30 AM
I did use the same lights, albeit differently positioned, I think.Also, there was no overhead lighting on this shoot. Thanks for your input. My tops are not rounded, but angled like that on purpose. I've been using the fibonacci scale to proportion them as well as the body itself.