View Full Version : Houston........!?

onur cakir
05-28-2009, 12:07 PM
Hi !

I'm having problem with a basic process.

As usual i did process a image with gold method than i send it to laser for glass engraving.

Laser acts like i sent hairline drawing and does nothing !

I've followed same process many times before without problem, any ideas ?

Martin Boekers
05-28-2009, 1:22 PM

the only time time I have had something like that happen was when I didn't have the correct page size entered in the driver.

Try a restart on your computer and laser, sometimes that happens if the file glitches.


Bill Cunningham
05-28-2009, 10:29 PM
I can't see any thing wrong with the file, it should engrave.. probably just a hicup in the software someplace..

Michael Kowalczyk
05-28-2009, 11:09 PM
This is Mission Control from Houston and I agree with Bill and Martin....
REBOOT and see if that works. Make sure you do clean reboot by either unplugging your CPU or shut off at your surge protector and start your countdown from T-10. Hope this works for you and ...